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The TokHaar-Mej is a monster encountered in the final fight of The Elder Kiln and in the waves of the Fight Kiln minigame. It uses a magic attack that can hit through prayer (although the damage is significantly reduced if praying against magic). It also, but rarely, attacks with melee when you are within range, roughly 1 attack every 5-10 attacks. These attacks rarely hit over 100 damage, so they are not much to worry about. Its magic attacks can hit 220+ without prayers, so make sure you are prepared for it. However, their melee attacks are able to hit up to 194, so beware if they manage to pull off a combo.

They take half damage from all types of attacks except range, so it is best to either range them or tough it out with another method. Dreadnips speed up the battle significantly.

TokHaar-Hok tells that the TokHaar were created to build the mountains of Gielinor and it was the TokHaar-Mejs' job to "blast (the rock) into a size that the Kets could carry".

They look like a purple version of TzHaar-Mej.