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Release date 14 February 2012 (Update)
Race TokHaar
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? The Elder Kiln
Location Fight Kiln
Sells items? No
Gender None
Examine Power radiates from him.

During the Fight Kiln: Power just radiates from him.


TokHaar-Hok is of the TokHaar race and plays a vital role in The Elder Kiln quest. When the player and Ga'al-Xox enter the kiln, he forces them into an arena battle, similar to the Fight Kiln minigame, but shorter. When the player has finished the waves, he speaks with the player and informs them of the history behind both the TzHaar, and the TokHaar race, saying that the TokHaar were made by the creators of Gielinor to create the world's mountains. When they had completed their task, some of them returned to their precious Kiln, however some of them split apart from the TokHaar and made their home in the mountain above the Kiln. This group is now the TzHaar society. TokHaar-Hok exhibits a great hatred for the TzHaar race, referring to them as being corrupt and weak, because their ambitions to create cities undermines their original duty to create mountains. TokHaar-Hok also explains that he despises the TokKul-related aspect of the TzHaar culture, as it also goes against the abilities of the life-giving lava that flows from the Kiln, which can rebirth the TokHaar with their memories and abilities, rather than simply passing them on to the next generation. Whether his opinions on the TzHaar race are shared by the other TokHaar is unknown.

When the player explains why he has brought the Ga'al to the kiln, TokHaar-Hok allows the Ga'al to be submerged with the TokKul of TzHaar-Ket-Yit'tal, the late Champion on the Fight Pits. Once this is done, TokHaar allows his battle-starved brethren to attack them, and gives the two a 'head-start' to escape with.

At the end of the quest, Ga'al-Xox, having turned his back on the Tzhaar society due to their refusal to accept his wishes on not continuing the TokKul infusion process that was performed on him, turns to TokHaar-Hok, who sympathises with Ga'al Xox's disapproval of the process and decides that action needs to be taken against the Tzhaar, hinting a possible future quest.

TokHaar-Hok shows a strong love for combat, referring to it as its race's glorious sport. Ultimately, he, similar to the Tzhaar, feels no negative emotions of dying in combat as he implies that there is glory in fighting. He effectively is addicted to combat as he pesters the player throughout the Elder Kiln quest to participate in combat.