
The TokHaar (meaning Sacred-Rock in the TzHaar language) are a race related to the TzHaar, that feature in The Elder Kiln quest and the Fight Kiln minigame.
According to TokHaar-Hok, the TokHaar were forged in the Elder Kiln by their masters, the "designers of this world", to build the mountains of Gielinor. The TokHaar-Xil were built to dig up the earth and rock, the TokHaar-Mej to blast the earth into a size the TokHaar-Ket could lift, and the TokHaar-Hur to craft the sediment into cliff-faces and slopes.
When their work was done, they built a great mountain around the kiln and returned to live within the kiln, "to await further instruction". However, some chose to remain within the mountain, outside the kiln, tunnelling through it to create cites and mazes. Those that did so have become the TzHaar. The TokHaar dislike the TzHaar for this, believing it is weak, unnatural and against their true purpose.
Because the TokHaar were created to help build Gielinor itself, they and the TzHaar predate the arrival of humans and all other sentient species.
The TokHaar live within the Great Kiln within which flows the lava from which they are all created. The lava rises from the kiln to forge the TokHaar. If a TokHaar is destroyed, it will return to the lava to be forged once more.
Any being that falls into the kiln becomes one with the TokHaar, sharing its memories through the lava. In this, all of the memories stay as one. This is in contrast with the TzHaar, who pass on their memories through eggs and become TokKul when they die, sometimes failing to pass on their memories.
Like the TzHaar, the TokHaar enjoy combat, spending a great deal of time practicing it. It is for this reason that the player may compete in the Fight Kiln.
- The "designers of this world" are very likely the Elder Gods, especially taking into account that their birthplace is called the Elder Kiln.
- It is interesting that the TokHaar look down upon the TzHaar because prior to The Elder Kiln, the TzHaar were always portrayed as being a very noble and wise race.