Summoning obelisk trips

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Taverley Obelisk

Method 1 - Balloon transport system

After completing the Enlightened Journey Quest, the player can make use of the balloon network to travel from one of five locations to Taverley. The best location to use is the balloon located just outside the walls of Castle Wars; level 50 Firemaking is required to unlock the Castle Wars balloon. Each trip to Taverley requires one normal log be given to the balloon attendant.

Method 2 - Lodestone Teleport (Taverley)

Use the Home Teleport Magic spell to access the Lodestone Network to Taverley. Go south to gather your supplies from the Taverley Bank and head over the bridge to the east and then go a little bit north. The Obelisk will be right by Pickupstix, and is one of the fastest ways to train Summoning.

Method 3 - Running from Falador

Run from Falador's west bank to Pikkupstix's house and either run back again or use the Falador Teleport spell or the related Magic tablet.

Method 4- Running from Catherby.

From Catherby run to the underground pass under White Wolf Mountain or use the crossbow agility shorcut. From there run to the obelisk. You must go through the underground pass to go back to Catherby, the agility shortcut is one way only. Or if you're in a hurry you can use the Catherby teleport or Camelot teleport.

Method 5 - Cabbage Teleport - Games Necklace

Players with low level Summoning can kill chickens at the South Falador Farm (close to the Explorer Ring's cabbage teleport) then teleport to Burthorpe Troll Invasion (using the Games Necklace) which is close to Taverley. After making the pouches use the Cabbage Teleport to return. You can then bank in Draynor or kill more chickens. You may also consider using High Alchemy on the Dreadfowl pouches to save trips to the bank and recoup money.

Brimhaven Obelisk

Method 1 - Fisher Realm

One of the fastest ways to reach the obelisk on Brimhaven is to use the Fisher Realm, accessible after completing the Holy Grail quest. Following the quest, Fairy Rings - accessible after starting A Fairy Tale Part 2 - may be used to enter the Fisher Realm. Players may start in the Zanaris bank, withdraw their supplies, then go to the Fairy ring located in Zanaris. The combination B-J-R will take them to the Fisher Realm. Around the island, there are Magic whistles, which players must pick up and blow. This will take them out of the Fisher Realm and into Brimhaven, underneath a tower close to the obelisk. Players must then return to the Fisher Realm by blowing the Whistle while standing under the tower, then return to the fairy ring. Note that players may also use an Amulet of Glory to reach Edgeville and bank faster, however players wishing to do this must use the Fairy ring located to the North-East of Edgeville to start another trip.

Method 2 - Brimhaven House Teleport

With a Construction level of 40, a player can pay 15000 Coins to have their Player-owned house moved to Brimhaven. Using the Teleport to House spell or related Magic tablet, a player can run from the Brimhaven house portal to the obelisk and then teleport to an easily reached bank (Edgeville or Castle Wars are best), replenish their supplies, and return to Brimhaven.

Gu'Tanoth Obelisk

Method 1 - Running from Yanille

The route using the grapple shortcut.

Travelling between Yanille and Gu'Tanoth is an easy way to infuse pouches and swap pouches for Spirit shards. The route is much shorter if the player brings a mithril grapple and a suitable crossbow or builds a hidey-hole so they can grapple across the wall. Energy potions may be required if the player wishes to run all the way.

Method 2 - Running from Castle Wars

A faster way, that does cost money is to buy Rings of duelling. They will allow you to teleport to Castle Wars, which you then can bank load up on more ingredients and run to the stone again. A much shorter and faster run then Yanille bank. Another method for quick bank runs is to use a ring of kinship to teleport to Daemonheim and use the bank there. This method takes slightly longer, however it does not cost anything to use.

Piscatoris Obelisk

Method 1 - Piscatoris Fishing Colony

After completing the Swan Song quest, players are able to access the Piscatoris Fishing Colony, which is a short distance from an underground Summoning obelisk. To travel from the Fishing colony to the obelisk, a player must open the Colony gate and crawl through a hole and then run to the South-West and climb down a trapdoor to enter the obelisk. Then the player can return to the Colony to use the general store bank. Each trip takes approximately 70 seconds with 25 pouches being made per trip.

Method 2 - Spirit Kyatt

The fastest method available to create pouches and scrolls can be used at level 57 Summoning, using the Spirit Kyatt familiar. The Spirit Kyatt has a teleport ability which will teleport the player close to the entrance to the Piscatoris obelisk. After creating their pouches or scrolls, players should teleport to a bank such as Edgeville, Daemonheim, Castle Wars or with the TokKul-Zo ring and begin a new trip.

Method 3 - Fairy Rings

If a player has access to the Fariy ring network, they can use the combination A-K-Q to travel to a Fairy ring that is South-East of the Piscatoris obelisk.

Daemonheim Obelisk

A summoning obelisk is located in the starting room of all dungeons within Daemonheim, and also in various other rooms in the dungeons. The starting room can be accessed after the approximate ten seconds that it takes to cast the Dungeon Home Teleport spell. In the starting room, also, a player may buy any tertiary ingredients for a familiar from the Smuggler.