Spotted kebbit

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Spotted kebbit
Spotted kebbit
Level 43
Experience 104
Location Piscatoris Hunter area
Trap Falconry
Retaliation No
Loot Bones and Spotted kebbit fur.
Examine It seems to be on a permanent sugar rush.

The Spotted Kebbit is a creature that may be hunted for experience and its fur. This monster is considered a Non-player character, and cannot be attacked. They can only be hunted in the Falconry Area at the Piscatoris Hunter area.

Level 43 hunters may 'borrow' a Falcon for 500 coins, using it to hunt this type of kebbit. Catching one grants 104 experience, a set of regular bones and some Spotted kebbit fur. Bones can then be buried for prayer experience, and fur can be either collected or ignored. The fur can be made into Spotted capes in Fancy Dress Shop in Varrock. Note that it is possible to fail to catch one. If not failed, the falcon will appear in the area with a yellow blinking arrow overhead. Once borrowed, the player keeps the Falcon even if they log off and back on. However, once the player leaves the area, they must pay again for a Falcon to resume hunting with a Falcon. If a player attempts to catch a spotted kebbit without a falcon, the kebbit will escape.

Interestingly, the examine text reads: "It seems to be on a permanent sugar rush." This is despite the fact that sugar does not exist as an ingredient for Cooking in RuneScape.


Can only be found and hunted in the Falconry area near the Piscatoris Woodland area north-west of the Tree Gnome Stronghold and northeast of Eagle's Peak (mountain).


When successfully caught, the Spotted Kebbit drops bones and one Spotted kebbit fur, which can be turned into a Spotted cape at the Varrock Fancy Dress Shop for 400 coins.


  • If you fail to catch the kebbit, it moves, if possible, at least 1 square. If it is blocked by another kebbit, a player or a fence it doesn't always walk away.

fi:Spotted kebbit