Snow globe

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Snow globe
Release date 18 December 2007 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 0 coins
Low Alch 0 coins
Value 1 coin
Destroy You can get another from Diango in Draynor Village.
Store price Not sold
Examine A tiny model of Lumbridge Castle inside a glass dome.
Weight 0 kg
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A player shaking a Snow Globe.

The Snow globe is a holiday reward obtained during the 2007 Christmas event. Players must talk to the Queen of Snow in the Land of Snow, who will give them a snow globe as a gift.

When a player shakes the snow globe, snow falls randomly in a 5 by 5 square centred on the player and all their free inventory spots fill with snowballs. Between 2 and 5 piles of snow fall (it will not snow in buildings with roofs). The snow melts after a while. After the event, Jagex removed the snow globe's ability to produce snow around the player. However, the snow globe will continue to generate snowballs after the 2007 Christmas event, unlike the snowballs from the previous event, which melted a short while after.

If lost, another snow globe may be obtained in Draynor Village by talking to Diango. Members can also store it in their Toy box, found in the in the Costume room of a Player-owned house.

When shaken, the Globe can do the following:

  • Shake Snow globe: You shake the snow globe. (snow globe image appears) and a softer version of Harmony is played.
  • Continue: The snow globe fills your inventory with snow!
  • Close: No snow in inventory
  • Cancel: Keeps snow globe image on.

Snowballs can be wielded and thrown at other players, but cannot be used as a weapon against monsters.

Snow Globe containing Lumbridge Castle.


Upon the release of RuneScape HD a glitch occurred when a player shook the globe. The snow globe floated in mid-air next to them while their empty hand was shaking. This has been fixed by Jagex.

Upon shaking it, if the player does any action that can cancel an interface, they will be seen just holding the globe, without the interface showing the close-up of the globe appearing. This has not been fixed.


  • When attempting to shake the Snow globe while stunned from a failed pickpocket attempt, you receive the message "You can't do that if bound by Magic."
  • The image in the snow globe is a winter version of Lumbridge Castle.
  • Upon making snowballs, they can be stored in a player's bank.
  • When shaking the globe so a pile of snow falls around a player's feet, performing the "Turn Into Bones" emote by wearing the Bone brooch of the 2010 Hallowe'en event makes it look like a pile of bones in a snow mound.
  • It plays a part of Harmony when shaken; however it is much higher and softer.
  • During the 2011 Christmas event the snow that falls beneath a player melts away slower.

Template:Christmas2007 Template:Discontinued

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