Slang dictionary/G

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Abbreviation Meaning
G axe, Gr8 axe Dharok's greataxe
GB Group Bank, usually when doing bosses such as the Corporeal Beast to suggest everyone banks at the same time then regroups; God Book, God bird (usually used when saying "God bird egg")
GD Green dragon, Greater demon, Guardian door (Dungeoneering)
GDZ Greater demons (deep wilderness location)
GE, G.E. Grand Exchange
GF Short for Good Fight, often used sarcastically (can also mean 'get f****d')
GG General Graardor, Gunnar's Ground.
GH Green Hill (Wilderness, popular Player Killing spot)
GGS Group gatestone
Glory Amulet of glory
Gmaul Granite maul
Gmace Granite Mace
G Legs Granite legs
GOP Great Orb Project
G2H Gravite 2h sword
GP, Geepee(s) Gold pieces
GR Ghostly robes
GRS Greater runic staff
GS Godsword, Gatestone
Gsb Gravite shortbow
GS'ed Left a Gatestone (uses "Gatestone," or "GS," as a verb)
G Spear Guthan's warspear
Guth, Gth Guthix, or Guthan's
GWD, GW God Wars Dungeon
Gws Game was a success (PKers language, mostly said after a war is won)
