Skilling Ladder

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Clan Skilling Ladder

The Skilling Ladder is a skilling clan competition created on 7 April 2011. The ladder is a league where skilling clans can challenge other clans to Skill Wars. It runs in six-month seasons, with the first one starting on 18 April 2011 and ending on 17 October 2011. The competition is currently in a beta phase.


All clans start out with 100 points on the ladder. Clans gain at least 5 points for winning a match and lose at least 5 for losing. For beating a clan with a higher ranking, the number of points awarded will be equal to 5 plus the difference between your ranks. The losing clan would lose the same amount. The clan in first place is not affected by points; only the 2nd to 5th-ranked clans may challenge the first-ranked clan, and if they win they will take first place. If a clan has not taken part in a war in 28 days, 20% of the clan's score will be deducted. If a skill war is not planned within a week of the deduction, the clan is removed from the ladder altogether.

A clan is forced to take part in a war if the challenger is within 10 ranks of your position on either side, unless the clan has a war planned in the next seven days. If the clan does not respond within a week they forfeit the match, which is a 5 point deduction. If the two clans cannot agree on the rules of the match, a Jagex Moderator will decide for them.

Each war uses the same rules as the Jagex Clan Cup. Clans must submit at least 5 players to square off, and the best hour of skilling will be recorded for each player, and the scores for each player will be averaged out into the clan's overall score. Each clan can choose a "home skill" for the war, and there is a Skill of the Week set by Jagex weekly. If a clan wins a majority of the skills, they will win the war. The skill war lasts three days and the results will be posted by a Jagex Moderator.

All participants must have at least three complete hours of skilling that adhere to the rules. If there are not enough hours, the clan is disqualified from the skill. Food and Summoning familiars are allowed, but players may not use any of the following:

See also