RuneScape Germany

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RuneScape Germany is the German version of Runescape, where all game content is translated into German. This version of RuneScape was released on 14 February 2007 and marked the first international language for a Jagex game.

The German server list

There are three servers in RuneScape Germany:

All German servers are located in Sweden and Finland.

Prior to ClusterFlutterer Runescape Germany had 6 worlds, which were subsequently removed. These worlds had an increase in popularity, owing to the majority of macro programs being restricted to only work in English.

The three remaining worlds are reflective of the current player base who have German as their primary language, or are hoping to train unhindered. Unfortunately, before bots were nuked, it looked like that more people spoke English than German in these worlds, to have a play in a server without macros - this has now changed.

See also

External links