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This article is about posters in Falador. For the Construction item, see 4-poster.
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File:Wanted Poster.png

Posters are pieces of Interactive scenery that can be found in Falador. They were released with the quest While Guthix Sleeps, and during the quest are put up to help find the Dark Squall, although they appear before and after the quest too.

Dark Squall as seen on the poster.

During While Guthix Sleeps, if looked at, they show a picture of Dark Squall. When looked at before or after While Guthix Sleeps, the chatbox states that it "Looks like a generic 'wanted' poster". During While Guthix Sleeps, they have the examine text of "A 'Wanted' poster asking for information on the wizard known as Dark Squall."

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