Chilli potato

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Chilli potato
Release date 30 January 2006 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? No
Edible? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 7 coins
Low Alch 5 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A baked potato with chilli con carne
Weight 0.5 kg
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A Chilli potato is a members-only food item that can be created by using a chilli con carne topping on a potato with butter. Doing so requires a Cooking level of 41, and grants 15 Cooking experience.

Making all ingredients from scratch and combining them into a chilli potato provides 165.5 cooking experience.

The chilli potato heals 140 life points when eaten, the same as a potato with butter and the same as chilli con carne, and, along with the Tuna Potato, may be the only food where the combination of items actually results in less healing than keeping them separate. In comparison, a bass heals 130 life points and provides 130 Cooking experience for far less work. As a result, the chilli potato is not a commonly cooked or eaten item unless received as a monster drop.

Dropping monsters

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Gnoeals 84, 93 1 2Common
Sergeant Grimspike 142 3 2Common
Sergeant Steelwill 142 3 2Common
Sergeant Strongstack 141 3 2Common
Yeti 93 1 2Common
TzHaar-Ket 149 1, 2 3Uncommon
TzHaar-Xil 133 1, 2 5Very rare
Elite black knight 138 1 4Rare

fi:Chilli potato nl:Chilli potato