Nature Spirit/Quick guide

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This is the quick guide for the quest Nature Spirit; for the more in-depth version click here.


Start point: Speak to Drezel under the Saradomin temple near the River Salve. Speak to Drezel under the Saradomin temple near the River Salve.
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty: Novice Novice
Description: None
Length: Medium
Items required:


  • Food, if you are a low-levelled player.(Drezel gives you 3 meat pies and 3 apple pies)
  • A weapon to kill the ghasts if you are a low-levelled player.
Enemies to defeat:

Getting Started

  • Talk to Drezel who is located in the passageway between Silvarea and Morytania.
  • Exit into Morytania and travel Southeast to a fence.
  • Look along the fence for a gate and go through it.
  • Go South until a round island is found with a grotto tree.
  • Jump across the broken bridge and onto the island.

The Ghost of the Grotto

  • Equip a Ghostspeak amulet and attempt to enter the grotto.
  • Take the Washing bowl off of the nearby table and use the Mirror on Filliman.
  • Search the grotto tree to find his journal and give it to him.
  • Ask him what his plans are.
  • Ask him how you can help.

Becoming a Nature Spirit

  • Have Drezel bless you.
  • Find a rotting log in the swamp and use the druidic spell next to it.
  • Take a mushroom from the log and show it to Filliman.
  • By the grotto:
    • Use the mushroom on the brown stone.
    • Use the used spell card on the grey stone.
    • Stand on top of the orange stone.
  • Tell Filliman the puzzle is solved.
  • Go in the tree and search the grotto.

Finishing Up

  • Give Filliman a Silver sickle.
  • Operate the sickle in the swamp next to bushes, logs, or twigs.
  • Collect what grows and fill the Druid pouch with them.
  • Wander around until a Ghast attacks and kill it. (Or you could use the Druid pouch on the ghast, allowing them to be attacked)
  • Kill a total of three ghasts and return to Filliman.
  • Quest complete!