Mysterious ghost (Kharrim)

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Release date 18 April 2005 (Update)
Race Undead
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Ghostly robes (miniquest)
Location See article
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine Seems to flitter in and out of existence...
Notable features Cursed by Zaros

Kharrim was a Zamorakian messenger during the late Second Age, and seems to be, judging by his appearance, from Karamja. He is spoken to during the Ghostly Robes Miniquest, though he can only be seen by the player when they are wearing the Ring of Visibility obtained during Desert Treasure. They must speak to Kharrim in order to progress through the miniquest and find out more about Zamorak's betrayal of Zaros.

Kharrim tells you that Rennard, his thief employer, found Kharrim whilst in a drunken stupor and asked him to arrange a buyer for the Staff of Armadyl, which he had procured from Valdez, a Saradominist explorer. Kharrim took it to Zamorak, the then-Mahjarrat general serving under the god Zaros, and Zamorak in turn used it to rebel against Zaros, and ultimately attain godhood. Kharrim will then give you his Ghostly boots, and refer you to Lennissa, a Saradominist spy hidden among the ranks of the Mahjarrat, who Lucien informed him about.

Kharrim can be found at one of the following locations:


  • The name Kharrim bears striking resemblance to Karim, the kebab-seller in Al-Kharid, though this is almost definitely a mere coincidence, as the two are in no way related.

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