Mobilising Armies/Siege

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The Castle

Siege is one of the scenarios of Mobilising Armies. As defined by Jagex "In this scenario, victory is gained by breaking into the castle that sits at the centre of the map. To break into the castle, you'll need to breach the walls with a squad or with a catapult. To attack the walls with a squad, use the ‘Attack wall/catapult’ command in your Squad Commands tab and then click on the offending wall (you may also attack an opponent's catapult in this way) or simply left-click the wall. To build a catapult, use the ‘Collect’ command in your Squad Commands tab to gather wheels, wood, rope and limbs from the shipwrecks that are strewn across the shore, or simply left-click the shipwreck. Once all of the catapult parts are collected, a catapult will automatically appear. Use the 'Collect' command to gather 4 rocks from the rockpiles around the map and the catapult will fire at the castle automatically, bringing you closer to victory."


Strategy 1: Multi-Tasking

Squad Units:

  • 5 Light weight infantry
  • 5 Heavy weight infantry

Special Units:

  • 2 Distractors
  • 3 Gliders

Formation: Flank, Spread

It is recommended to first build a catapult using the Light weight infantry, then to keep have them collect rocks scattered around the map. It is highly recommended to not attack the wall, but instead kill the opponents with the heavy infantry, to delay your opponents units. However, this is likely to earn the wrath of the opponents attacked, and requires one to keep a close watch on several locations at once. Or you could let 4-5 Light weight infantry collect rocks for the catapult and let some Heavy weight infantry attack the walls, it is also smart to let some Heavy weight infantry stay to protect the catapult, even though most people go straight on to attacking each other, leaving you safe.

Strategy 2: Destroy the Wall!

Squad Units:

  • 7 Light weight infantry
  • 3 Heavy weight infantry


  • 2 Light weight infantry
  • 8 Heavy weight infantry

Special Units:

  • 3 Distractors
  • 2 Barricades

Formation: Flank, Spread

It is recommended to send the light infantry to build the catapult and collect rocks while the heavy infantry take turns assaulting the wall, switching about every 2 or 3 minutes. The same can be done with more heavy infantry, as added insurance from attackers.

Strategy 3: Elimination

Squad Units:

  • 4 Light weight infantry
  • 6 Heavy weight infantry

Special Units:

  • 3 Distractors
  • 2 Gliders

Formation: Wedge, Flank, Spread

Should one face off against squads consisting of all light units (thus unable to fight heavy units effectively), victory by eliminating all opponents is somewhat possible. By alternating which opponent gets assaulted, it is possible to prevent them from breaking through the walls too quickly. Light infantry are sent after stragglers at the end. It is recommended to only try this when there is at least 1 "suicide" squad in the game, seeking fast rank, as it is nearly impossible to fight off 3 armies before one breaks down the castle wall.

Strategy 4: Fast Ranks

Squad Units:

  • 10 Light weight infantry

Special Units:

  • 5 Cannons


  • 3 Cannons and 2 Distractors

Formation: Wedge

This strategy is used by players seeking fast rank points, but yields reduced reward credits depending upon your rank. The player first sends all 10 units to assault the wall, letting the castle turrets weaken them. Once the timer hits 26 minutes (4 minutes past), the player may then fire all of their cannons at their own units, killing them even faster. The use of Distractors can be a useful defence against players who try to eliminate your units before 4 minutes have passed, allowing you to stall the enemy for a few minutes and making them unable to defeat your units before the 26 minute mark. 3 cannons are more than sufficient to defeat your own team after they have been weakened by the central castle.

Strategy 5: Fast Ranks Alternative

Squad Units:

  • 10 Light weight infantry

Special Units:

  • 5 Cannons or less

Formation: Flank

This strategy is used by players seeking fast rank points with a reduced cost of investment credits. The player first sends all 10 units to assault the wall of an opponent who is using the suicide fast rank method above. The castle weakens the 20 squads. Once the timer hits 26 minutes (4 minutes past), the opponent will fire his cannons at his own squads, killing all 20 squads. The player then uses cannons to suicide if any of his own squads remain. Because less cannons have to be used, investment credits are saved and a trip to the special units table is often unnecessary. This method isn't used very often, but saves time and money if done correctly. Beware that 20 units stacked presents a great target for a third player to destroy your team before the game has lasted 4 minutes.

Strategy 6: Ignoring

Squad Units:

  • 10 Light weight infantry

Special Units:

  • Preferably cannons

Formation: Wedge

Because most players playing siege have the single intent of killing themselves to gain rank, a player may ignore these teams and focus on the teams who want to win. Attack them with all your troops as if it were a conflict scenario. Make use of the combat triangle and use special terrain. Generally, this tactic only works if two players are using a suicide method.

Strategy 7: Fast Ranks Sabotage

Squad Units:

  • 9 Light weight infantry
  • 1 Heavy weight infantry


  • 10 Light weight infantry

Special Units:

  • 3-4 Cannons
  • 1-2 Gliders

Formation: Wedge

First of all, this tactic is completely useless if anyone in the other teams are using all heavies or using the catapult, its based off of a game with players doing solely Fast Ranks. This strategy is used by players that pay attention and want to earn their points quickly. You start of like any fast rank strategy and attack the wall with all of your light weight infantry. While doing so, you can hide your heavy weight or an extra light weight in the back of your area. Once the enemies get close to the 26 minute mark, cannon the strongest enemies you can, and pull out all of your troops from attacking the castle. After this, some enemies may have a familiar idea in mind, keeping one unit alive. Simply use your Gliders to eliminate the remaining squad(s) and claim your two points in the same time anyone else would have gotten one.


To win you must break down the castle wall in the centre of the map, or be the last alive.


  • To unlock this stage you must have completed a full game of the conflict stage.
  • It is possible to attack another player's wall.
  • The cannon special unit is able to go through the castle and hit another players squad on the other side.

See also