Mind rune running

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Note: Mind running is generally not a good rune to run at this time (most free-to-play runners do airs or waters, which provide much better profits and faster exp for the assister).

Mind rune running (or simply Mind running) is a simple, easy way to make money, get mind runes, or to gain Runecrafting experience. There may not be any crafters at the mind altar at world 32, and if there are not any, you may want to air run instead, because there is usually a good supply of runecrafters there.

Mind running requires the cooperation of two groups of people: runners and crafters. Crafters pay runners to carry noted rune essence from the mind altar to Falador west bank, un-note the essence, and return. Each trip usually pays around 2000 coins. The reason crafters are willing to pay for a simple unnoting of essence is because this way, it allows them to maximise the experience they earn.


The job of a runner is simple, and pays well:

  1. Enter the mind altar.
  2. Search for a crafter. They generally will be the high levelled members, persons wearing black or blue robes, or those shouting "open".
  3. Send a request for assistance to the crafter. Wait for the handshake symbol to appear.
  4. Craft your runes


  1. Enter the Mind altar. If no one is requesting your assistance, type "open" and your crafting rate (5x, 7x)
  2. When someone requests your assistance, give them your runecrafting skill.
  3. Finish

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