Mekritus A'hara

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Mekritus A'hara
Release date 22 April 2008 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? No
Location Meiyerditch Myreque Hideout
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine As tough and uncompromising a fighter as an anaemic, partially drained human can be.
Notable features A guard for The Myreque.

Mekritus A'hara is a guard for The Myreque in Meiyerditch. The Myreque is a group of guerilla fighters intent on overthrowing Lord Lowerniel Vergidiyad Drakan, the ruler of Morytania, and liberating the region.

Mekritus guards the hideout of the Sanguinesti Order of the Myreque. He can be found in the bedroom of the barracks, where the Myreque members sleep. Unlike most of the Myreque, he is not particularly involved with any quests, though the player can get information from him about the kind of weapon that would be useful for killing the Vyrewatch in Legacy of Seergaze. He will tell the player that a flail would be a good idea, giving you the idea for the Ivandis Flail. Template:MyrequeQuests