Master Peregrim

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Return to Canifis article This article or section contains information only featured in the RuneScape novel Return to Canifis, which is generally considered canon.

Master Peregrim is a Gnome featured in the Return to Canifis novel. The infamous Master Peregrim, had gone missing some years prior, after his hot air balloon like contraption broke free of its tether in Varrock and carried him over the River Salve where he was presumed dead.

During the novel, it is discovered a band of escapees from Meiyerditch reside at the plateau of Hope Rock, along with Master Peregrim and his crashed balloon. Using nets made from the Giant Snails that reside nearby, the band of escapees, about 50 in number, had constructed a large net underneath the balloon to carry them westward over the salve. The plan goes ahead, with the balloon nearly ready to take off, when a sudden ambush by the werewolves of Canifis leads to a desperate scramble to get the balloon of the ground. In the midst of fighting a werewolf which had managed to climb on board before the balloon took off, Vanstrom Klause secured himself to a rope, and jumped overboard with his attacker. When on the ground, he severed the remaining mooring line, setting the balloon free, carrying the others with it and ending any hope of his escape as he left to fend of the ravenous wolves.

After fending off several Vyrewatch, and crashing the balloon a mile east of The River Salve, Master Peregrim escaped the hungry werewolves, alongside the remaining survivors, and swam across the river to the safety of Misthalin.