Magic slate

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Magic slate
File:Magic slate.png
Release date 28 October 2008 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? Swept Away
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Value 2 coins
Destroy If you destroy this item, you can get another from Lottie in Betty's basement.
Store price Not sold
Examine What a view!
Weight 0 kg
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A Magic slate is a quest item from Swept Away, which was released during the 2008 Hallowe'en event. It is given to players by Lottie, who is Betty's assistant. Lottie asks players to re-locate several creatures in the basement to their respective holding pens. Doing this will complete Betty's task in the Swept Away quest.

The magic slate is used to see where the holding pens are located for each creature in the basement. Once a player leaves the basement, the slate disappears.

The locations of the holding pens for each creature.