Lady Anne
Lady Anne is a Varrockian noble in the novels Return to Canifis and Legacy of Blood. She is often accompanied by Lady Caroline, and is more than willing to manipulate people around her to get what she wants.
During Return to Canifis, she becomes fascinated with Sir Theodore, attempting to gain him as a husband. She turns this into a game of cat and mouse, attempting to entrap Theodore at every possible chance, even using Theodore's friend Lord William to lure him. However she develops real feeling for Theodore, and sees him off on his way to Morytania.
Following Sulla's rise to heroism in Varrock, he chooses Anne to be his wife, as promised by King Roald III. She despises him though, and only entertains him by royal decree. She sticks a warning note in his room, showing that the Kinshra want him dead and have him watched. He offers her a love potion, which she accepts.
After Theodore returns from Morytania, Theodore takes her as a friend, despite being attracted to her. When she tries to use the potion on him, she tells him to leave, ashamed at having tried to get him that way. She avoids him where possible after that, but continues to watch over him. Before Theodore leaves for the Paterdomus temple to battle the Morytanian host, they reunite and share a bed for the night. Following the fall of Tenebra, she contacts Sulla, currently in hiding, offering peace with the Kinshra. However, Sulla kills her instead. When her body is found, Jerrod is blamed, and Theodore mourns her.