Herblore Habitat/Farming
Farming in Herblore Habitat is the most important skill to the activity. Without the minimum requirement of level 54, the flowers which attract the most basic Jadinko cannot be planted, thus there will be nothing to hunt, and therefore no ingredients to make potions.
Habitat Farming
Inside the middle camp of Herblore Habitat, there are several farming patches:
- A vine flower patch, for growing vine flowers
- A vine bush patch, for growing vine bushes
- A vine herb patch, for growing vine herbs (a second vine herb patch is located in the east camp)
- A fruit tree patch, for growing all normal fruit trees
Tending for the patches is done in the normal way:
- Remove weeds with a rake
- Optionally add compost, supercompost or cast Fertile Soil
- Plant seeds with a seed dibber
- Water plants (only vine flowers and fruit tree saplings need to be watered, as usual)
- Harvest plants (herbs require a spade)
- Remove plants (chop down fruit trees with a hatchet and remove the stump with a spade or remove bushes with a spade)
Note: Like other patches, weeds will not grow back if Fairy Tale III - Orks Rift has been completed and the weed-free patch ability has been enabled.
Tools can be purchased from Papa Mambo similar to farm shops near allotment patches. Herblore Habitat has a tool leprechaun, who gives access to the same tool store as all other leprechauns.
The scroll of life from dungeoneering works with all of the farming patches in Herblore Habitat.
The only notable difference between normal farming and Herblore Habitat farming is that vine plants grow a lot faster than normal. Another difference is that the Herblore Habitat leprechaun can also store 30 of each of the following juju potions:
- Juju hunter potion
- Juju farming potion
- Scentless potion
- Saradomin's blessing
- Guthix's gift
- Zamorak's favour
Vine Flowers
The Vine flower patch is the most basic patch for attracting jadinkos. Only Vine flowers can be planted in this patch. Flower seeds are easy to obtain because they are the only seed that can be purchased. Players can buy all three colours from Papa Mambo for 50gp each.
Seed | Produce | Acquired From |
Level Required |
Planting Experience |
Harvesting Experience |
Red blossom seeds | Red vine blossom | Bought from Papa Mambo, Jadinko drop |
54 | 52 | 255 |
Blue blossom seeds | Blue vine blossom | Bought from Papa Mambo, Jadinko drop |
54 | 52 | 255 |
Green blossom seeds | Green vine blossom | Bought from Papa Mambo, Jadinko drop |
54 | 52 | 255 |
Vine herb patches
There are two vine herb patches at the habitat: one is in the middle camp, while the other can be found in the east camp. It is often worthwhile to use the Witchdoctor mask teleport in order to get back to the middle camp from the second patch. Only Vine herbs may be grown here. The seeds can be obtained from hunting the jadinkos.
Seed | Produce | Acquired From |
Level Required |
Planting Experience |
Harvesting Experience |
Erzille seeds | Grimy erzille | Jadinko drop | 58 | 87 | 87 |
Argway seeds | Grimy argway | Jadinko drop | 65 | 110 | 125 |
Ugune seeds | Grimy ugune | Jadinko drop | 70 | 135 | 152 |
Shengo seeds | Grimy shengo | Jadinko drop | 76 | 140.5 | 160 |
Samaden seeds | Grimy samaden | Jadinko drop | 80 | 170 | 190 |
Vine bush patch
The Vine bushes will help to attract better jadinkos. The berries can be used as payment to the Zombie farmer to protect Vine herbs.
Seed | Plant | Produce | Acquired From |
Level Required |
Planting Experience |
Harvesting Experience |
Check-health bonus |
Lergberry seeds | Lergberry bush | Lergberries | Jadinko drop | 61 | 145.5 | 31.5 | 236.3 |
Kalferberry seeds | Kalferberry bush | Kalferberries | Jadinko drop | 77 | 220.2 | 52.5 | 375.3 |
Fruit tree patch
The Fruit tree patch can grow any type of fruit tree, but only Apple, Banana, and Orange trees will attract jadinkos. Players may only receive apple, banana and orange seeds from the jadinkos. Players who do not play Herblore Habitat can still use this patch for regular farming.
Seed | Plant | Produce | Acquired From |
Level Required |
Planting Experience |
Harvesting Experience |
Check-health bonus |
Apple tree seeds | Apple tree | Apple | Jadinko drop, Birds' nest |
27 | 22 | 8.5 | 1,199.5 |
Banana tree seeds | Banana tree | Banana | Jadinko drop, Birds' nest |
33 | 28 | 10.5 | 1,750.5 |
Orange tree seeds | Orange tree | Orange | Jadinko drop, Birds' nest |
39 | 35.5 | 13.5 | 2,470.2 |
Curry tree seeds | Curry tree | Curry leaf | Birds' nest | 42 | 40 | 15 | 2,906.9 |
Pineapple seeds | Pineapple plant | Pineapple | Birds' nest | 51 | 57 | 21.5 | 4,605.7 |
Papaya tree seeds | Papaya tree | Papaya | Birds' nest, Pawya trapping |
57 | 72 | 27 | 6,146.4 |
Palm tree seeds | Palm tree | Coconut | Birds' nest | 68 | 110.5 | 41.5 | 10,150.1 |
Zombie farmer
The Zombie farmer can protect three patches in return for payment. He can protect the Vine herb patch, the Vine bush patch, and the Fruit tree patch.
Type of Plant | Payment Charge |
Apple tree | 9 x Raw sweetcorn |
Banana tree | 4 x Basket of apples |
Orange tree | 3 x Basket of strawberries |
Curry tree | 5 x Basket of bananas |
Pineapple tree | 10 x Watermelons |
Papaya tree | 10 x Pineapples |
Palm tree | 15 x Papayas |
Lergberry bushes | 3 x red vine blossom |
Kalferberry bushes | 3 x lergberries |
Erzille | 3 x green vine blossom |
Ugune | 3 x blue vine blossom |
Argway | 4 x red vine blossom |
Shengo | 5 x lergberries |
Samaden | 5 x kalferberries |