Guardsman's stout

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Guardsman's stout
File:Guardsman's stout.png
Release date 9 September 2009 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? Yes - Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Value 1 coin
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A special stout brewed for the dwarven Black Guard
Weight 0.1 kg
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Guardsman's stout is a special drink brewed for members of the Black Guard. It is given to Commander Veldaban during the quest Forgiveness of a Chaos Dwarf.

Players are unable to drink this during the quest, and are given the message "Dwarven Black Guards must go through special training before drinking this stout. You could not possibly survive it."