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Ga'al-Rek is a Ga'al featured in the official lore A Return To Stone. He was born without the racial memories of his people and is small for a TzHaar, smaller than a TzHaar-Hur, and had pale shimmering eyes instead of fiery ones.

Ga'al-Rek's egg was too cold, and his first memory was of hatching. Without the memories of the past, he didn't have a caste and was therefore an outcast. A TzHaar-Mej tells him that it would be best for him to go to the Fight Pits and return to stone (the TzHaar version of dying) to become a proper TzHaar, but he chooses not to do so immediately. He perfects the skill of "becoming stone" - being so still and quiet that he is unnoticed in the dark, where he can watch and learn.

He rescues and nurses the dying Fulmin back to life after he almost dies at the Birthing Pools, and almost goes with him to the surface world. However, after an ambush by the mercenaries Rodrig and Kolm, hired by the TzHaar-Mej to bring Ga'al-Rek back to the city, he changes his mind and wishes to go back to the city.

It is unknown if Ga'al-Rek still lives in year 169 of the Fifth Age or if he has learnt all he can of the TzHaar and has gone to the Fight Pits to return to stone.