Free-to-play Firemaking training/Locations

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This guide assumes that you are power levelling the skill, and not burning the logs which you cut on the spot.

The player's location while training Firemaking is very important. There are many places which you can train the skill. The only thing you need is a bank and some space. (See below)

Efficiency rating guide

Efficiency Meaning
0***** A horrible choice of location. (Not mentioned on this guide)
1***** A very bad choice. Lacks nearly all qualities. Definitely should not be used to train.
2***** A bad choice of location. Better ones exist. Almost certainly should go to another location.
3***** A satisfactory choice of location. Better places, however, do exist.
4***** A good choice of location. Has most of the qualities.
5***** A great place to train firemaking.

Note: The efficiency rating takes into consideration the location's...

Size and Space - Players need at least 27 free squares to a single direction. Also, it may be a ideal to have a large area of space free.

Graphics and Area Detail - If you are running the game on a slow connection, it may be best best not to train near a very highly detailed area. If you do experience lag, you could try changing your graphics setting to a lower level or move to a different location.

Popularity - Good locations to firemake can usually be crowded. If the location you choose is crowded you could switch to a world with a small amount of players or move to a different location.

Scenery - Firemaking needs a lot of attention, so good scenery may keep the player interested.

Obstacles - Includes vegetation and on-ground scenery which players cannot make fires on. Should be avoided.

All banks which are not on this guide are 0*****.

The pictures of the locations show you the best place to make the fires.


Varrock East Bank

Efficiency: 4*****

Requirement: None

The East Bank of Varrock is one of the best places to train. It has 3 rows of 27 free squares, which can potentially hold 2 Firemakers. A bad thing is that it can get very crowded. To complete a full row of fires, make sure the Ranging store shop door is closed. It would also be a good idea to close the door of the house opposite (north) the bank.

Varrock West Bank

Efficiency: 3*****

Requirement: None

The West bank of Varrock is good due to one thing - you can train either north of it (just outside the Grand Exchange) or south of it. If you are training at this spot, training

File:Varrock West bank.png
The south and north of the Varrock west bank, a popular place for Firemaking

near the Grand Exchange is a better idea. To get a row of fires on the south side, you have to run all the way to Varrock fountain.

Grand Exchange

Efficiency: 3*****

Requirement: None

A player firemaking in the Grand Exchange

The Grand Exchange has a large area, in which players can make fires anywhere they want. However, players can run into a tree, as there are around 28 normal trees in the Grand Exchange. If they choose to train here, the player can buy the logs straight away. They can also manage their offers. However, it is always very crowded in the Grand Exchange and players have been repeatedly asked on the forums to stop firemaking there, as fires can slow the game down even more. Additionally, applying one method of firemaking here, though extremely tedious compared to normal, is the fastest firemaking experience in the game.

File:Fm tequnique to be giffed.gif
An example of the quickest way of gaining Firemaking xp. Position logs around the bank

Simply walk out two steps from the east exchange part and light a fire then run up two spaces again to the spot east of your fire and it should light with no delay if you are quick. Halfway through this, reverse it going towards the direction of the exchange westward. This technique virtually eliminates banking time but is extremely tedious.


Efficiency: 4*****

Requirement: None

Edgeville is a quiet and remote town, and therefore not a very popular or crowded one. To the north of the bank, a player has to run to the patch of trees near the river before he/she can do a full row of fires. They may, however run into some obstacles. However, players are advised to light fires to the south of the bank. This location requires less running then the north, and has almost no obstacles. There are 3 rows, each with enough space to light a line of 27 fires in. Besides requiring less running, and having fewer obstacles than the north side of the bank, the south side is much less populated than the north. It is rare to find even one player training here. Edgeville is a good place to train if a world is heavily populated and you want a location to train with less players.

Duel Arena

Efficiency: 3*****

Requirement: None

The Duel Arena one-click bank is a reasonable place for Firemaking training. Starting from the bank chest, there are two long rows of space, however, this means it can only hold one firemaker. Players can take the boat to Daemonheim and firemake there instead if they wish. However, the benefit of using the Duel Arena is the convenience of a one-click bank.

Falador east bank

Efficiency: 5*****

Requirement: None

Faladors east bank is a great place to train

The Falador east bank is one of the best places to Firemake. It has a large amount of room for approximately 3 firemakers. Once or twice, the player might run into a tree, but if one goes far east towards the party room, then this should not be a problem. Firemaking here is definitely recommended.

Falador west bank

Efficiency: 2*****

Requirement: None

File:Falador East Bank.png
Firemaking at Falador's west bank

Falador's west bank is a bad place to train Firemaking. A player has to go as far east as possible to get a clean row of fires, as the number of obstacles are large. Players should try and firemake at Faladors east bank instead.

Outside Daemonheim

Efficiency: 4*****

Requirement: None

Daemonheim is rarely used for Firemaking, thus providing a huge amount of free space for the player themselves. Players should firemake just north of the camp. The Bank is somewhat near. The only downside is the amount of detail and quality in the graphics. Turning on Standard Detail will solve the problem. A good idea is to train in less popular worlds.


Efficiency: 3*****

Requirement: None

Draynor is a satisfactory option of training Firemaking. There are 3 available rows just outside the bank, and a few more to the west of the bank. 90% of the time, you will run

Training at Draynor Village

into an obstacle. Non-members should not use this location as many new players firemake the logs they get from cutting willows or oaks. If you are going to firemake here, make sure the Wise old man's door is open, otherwise you won't be able to firemake in front of it.

Fist of Guthix

Efficiency: 5*****

Requirement: None

Players training at Fist of Guthix

Fist of Guthix is the best place in f2p to train Firemaking. There is a huge amount of space, where a player should rarely run into obstacles. The amount of firemakers which can train simultaneously in there is about 4. However it lacks some scenery and is generally crowded.

Overall best

Top 5 F2P
1.5***** Fist of Guthix
2.5***** Falador east bank
3.4***** Varrock east bank
4.4***** Daemonheim
5.4***** Edgeville