Gielinor Games/Marathon

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Gielinor Games/Marathon was discontinued from RuneScape after an update.
A checkpoint. You have to pass within a few square radius to "tick it off".

The Marathon is an event available during the 2012 Gielinor Games. It is set in three different locations that, spread throughout Gielinor. The aim is to run through all of the checkpoints and complete the course as quickly as possible. The Marathon does not run all the time on all worlds, but it is announced through the in-game chat box on all servers. There are currently 3 Marathon courses. Players will receive constitution xp and contribution points based on their constitution level and how fast they complete the marathon.

Many players expressed confusion about the Marathon, expecting Jagex Moderators to host the event. In actuality, the event commences itself without any action by Jagex Moderators. The worlds/times for the marathons have been standardised so far. The marathons seem to occur on the same worlds at the same time everyday. Therefore it is easy to prepare ahead of time if you know the worlds and times.

Marathon Checkpoints Start point Finish point
Edgeville 15 (m) Near the Edgeville Lodestone. Warning: The whole marathon is in Wilderness Near Edgeville in the wilderness
Varrock 15 South of Varrock Lumber Yard by the Saradomin statue South of Varrock Lumber Yard by the Saradomin statue
Morytania 18 (m) The steps leading up to Fenkenstrain's Castle Tree Gnome Stronghold

(m) = members only

Running a Marathon

Checking In

When a message in the chatbox says that the race has started, pass through the starting checkpoint (a pair of large torches, also known as gates), and a yellow arrow will appear on your minimap indicating where the next checkpoint is. As you pass through each checkpoint in order, you will receive a red bannered message in the middle of your screen accompanied by applause and cheers or booing. The magnitude of the cheers will tell you if your pace is excellent or just average. If you miss a checkpoint there will be "boo-ing" from the audience.


Since the marathon only tracks checkpoints and not routes, direct running/walking is not strictly required. Teleportation can be used to speed up legs. Try to visualise the route before the race and work out where teleports may save time. Remember to bring your teleport items with you.

Weight reducing clothing, energy potions or the Explorer Ring for its energy replenish ability, the Surefooted aura, or bathing in the saltwater spa in Oo'glog before the race (after completion of As a First Resort...) are all recommended.

The obvious strategy to minimize clicking while running a marathon is to try and follow a good runner. Look for players wearing weight reducing clothing, such as agile armour, spottier cape, boots of lightness, etc.

There is no limit on the number of marathons that can be attempted in one day.However, there is a 30k exp cap. After completing a marathon, you can begin another lap by tagging any gate to reset the lap, then return back to the starting gate.

Once the checkpoints appear they will stay active for approximately 60 minutes by game ticks rather than real time, so any lag caused by the world server will not affect the number of laps that can be done before the checkpoints disappear.

When a participant logs out or is disconnected from the game, all checkpoints are reset, and the player must go back again to the starting point.

Event Times

Time (UTC) World Marathon
1:00 am 2 Morytania
1:00 am 1 Varrock
4:00 am 124 Edgeville
5:00 am 2 Varrock
7:00 am 26 Morytania
9:00 am 8 Varrock
10:00 am 137 Edgeville
1:00 pm 2 Morytania
1:00 pm 1 Varrock
4:00 pm 124 Edgeville
5:00 pm 2 Varrock
7:00 pm 26 Morytania
9:00 pm 8 Varrock
10:00 pm 137 Edgeville

Varrock Marathon

The reward scroll for the Varrock Marathon.

Worlds and Times

  • 1am UTC - World 1
  • 5am UTC - World 2 (see notes)
  • 9am UTC - World 8
  • 1pm UTC - World 1
  • 5pm UTC - World 2
  • 9pm UTC - World 8

Note: On the first of August, at around 4:30am GMT, a marathon was announced to take place in World 3. However, the 1 minute warning said the marathon would take place on World 2, and was subsequently held there.


Start: Varrock Saradomin statue

  1. Varrock east entrance
  2. By Ali the Leaflet Dropper 
  3. Next to the Lumbridge cow field (teleport to Lumbridge)
  4. Entrance to Lumbridge Swamp (again teleport to Lumbridge)
  5. The south-west Lumbridge Swamp mine
  6. Draynor Village southern entrance (teleport to Draynor Village)
  7. Crossroads south of Falador (Cabbage-port teleport explorer's ring)
  8. By the mercenary camp (teleport to Falador)
  9. By the Dwarven Mine
  10. By the Monastery (combat bracelet for members)
  11. Edgeville
  12. Northern gate to Varrock (make sure run energy is 100, you are running the rest of the way)
  13. North of the Lumber Yard
  14. Immediately south of the Lumber Yard

Finish: Varrock Saradomin statue

  • When trying to get through the Al Kharid toll gate, do not click on the gate. An error in the coding sequence takes the player to run in a loop just before the gate, due to the massive amount of people spam clicking on the gate. Talk to the border guards to be let through.
  • Teleports may be used for some checkpoints. For example, South Falador Teleport may be used to get from checkpoint 6 to 7. Falador Teleport (use the tablet if using South Falador Teleport, which is a Lunar spell) or the lodestone counterpart may be used to get from checkpoint 7 to 8. A combat bracelet may be used to get from checkpoint 9 to 10 (not very far between, though). An amulet of glory may be used to get from checkpoint 10 to 11 (not very far between either). A Lumber yard teleport scroll cuts time between checkpoints 12 and 13.

Edgeville Marathon

The Edgeville Marathon reward

Worlds and Times

It could be held on world 124 or 137, both of which are High Risk Wilderness Worlds.

  • 4:00 am UTC on World 124
  • 10:00 am UTC on World 137
  • 4:00 pm UTC on World 124
  • 10:00 pm UTC on World 137


Start: Near the Edgeville lodestone

  1. North-west of the Edgeville startpoint (jump over the Wilderness Wall).
  2. North-east corner of the Dark Warriors' Fortress.
  3. East side of the Western Ruins.
  4. The Forgotten Cemetery.
  5. West of the Lava Maze.
  6. South of the Wilderness Agility Course, inside the members' area.
  7. Entrance to the Mage Arena.
  8. Entrance to the Rogues' Castle.
  9. North of the Ghostly piper.
  10. The Demonic Ruins.
  11. The Wilderness North Volcano.
  12. The Eastern Ruins.
  13. The Wilderness Volcano.
  14. The Chaos Temple. (At this point you can reload your prayer points and use your Home Teleport or Lodestone teleport to teleport to Edgeville, as it will be faster than running to the next checkpoint.)
  15. North of the Edgeville Lodestone in the Wilderness, just across the Wilderness Wall.

Finish: Edgeville

Morytania Marathon

The Morytania Marathon reward.

Worlds and Times

World 2

  • 1:00 am UTC (6:00 pm PCT)
  • 1:00 pm UTC (6:00 am PCT)

World 26

  • 7:00 am UTC (12:00 pm PCT)
  • 7:00 pm UTC (12:00 am PCT)


The fastest teleport options are listed first.

Start: Steps of Fenkenstrain's Castle

# Place Effective teleport
1 South of Port Phasmatys Ectophial
2 In the centre of Canifis Kharyrll or Ring of slaying teleport to Slayer tower.
3 The bridge going over the River Salve Ring of slaying teleport to Slayer tower.
4 Near the trapdoor going down to the Paterdomus temple (Varrock Side)
5 In the Digsite Digsite Pendant
6 Near Ali the Leaflet Dropper, northern entrance to the desert Senntisten Teleport
7 Next to the Al Kharid lodestone Amulet of Glory or Lodestone
Home Teleport (Al Kharid)
8 Lumbridge Swamp
9 Southern Draynor entrance Amulet of Glory
Home Teleport (Draynor Village)
10 Southern entrance to Falador Explorer's Ring Cabbage-port
Clan vexillum
11 West of the Mercenary camp Falador Teleport or Falador Lodestone
Home Teleport (Falador)
12 White Wolf Mountain, just north-west of the Gnome Glider

Grand seed pod to Gnome Glide

Duel ring to duel arena then take glider
Teleport to House (Taverley)
Home Teleport (Burthrope or Taverley)

or Taverly Lodestone

13 West of Camelot Castle entrance Camelot Teleport
Home Teleport (Seers Village)

South of the Sinclair Mansion

15 Rellekka entrance

Enchanted Lyre
Teleport to House (Relekka)

Ring of slaying (Releka slayer cave)

16 Western Seers Village

Seers Lodestone Teleport

Combat bracelet (Ranged guild)

Camelot Teleport*
Home Teleport (Seers Village)

17 North-west of Ardougne lodestone, east of Making History startpoint

Skills necklace (Fishing Guild)
Home Teleport (Ardougne)

Ardoughne Lodestone Teleport

18 Grand Tree Grand seed pod
Spirit Tree via Mobilising Armies teleport or Ring of Duelling

* After completion of the Hard Seer's Village Tasks, Teleport to Camelot can be moved to the center of Seer's Village, which is closer to gate 16


  • Once the marathon is finished on a given world, if the player has not yet completed all of the checkpoints, a flashing yellow arrow will remain in the previous location of the next checkpoint. It is not currently known if this is a bug. (this has now been fixed)
  • There was a glitch during the Morytania Marathon where the gates failed to appear at checkpoint 14 outside Sinclair Mansion. The arrow continued to point to where the gates should be, but they did not appear and the Marathon could not be continued past that point, resulting in an incomplete Marathon with no experience or points gained. This glitch has been fixed.
  • This is the only Gielinor Game where the ring will not boost your XP/Contribution Points.
  • There is a glitch where you can examine the gates, even if they aren't visible or if you aren't even in the correct world for the marathons, even now the marathons have ended (this has only been tested with the starting gates in Edgeville).