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Eagle may refer to any of the following:

  • Giant eagle, a non-interactive NPC found in Eagles' Peak Dungeon
  • The Eagle transport system, a system that allows players to travel from the Eagles' Peak mountain to any one of a number of destinations
    • Desert eagle, an NPC that players can use to fly to the Uzer Hunter Area in the Kharidian Desert
    • Jungle eagle, an NPC that players can use to fly to the Feldip Hills jungle
    • Polar eagle, an NPC that players can use to fly to the Trollweiss Hunter area
    • Karamjan Jungle eagle, an NPC that players can use to fly to the Karamja jungle.
  • Eagle lectern, a feature that requires level 47 Construction, and is built in the study of a player-owned house
    • Teak eagle lectern, a feature that requires level 57 Construction, and is built in the study of a player-owned house
    • Mahogany eagle lectern, a feature that requires level 67 Construction, and is built in the study of a player-owned house
  • Eagle Eye, a prayer that requires level 44 Prayer to use, and gives a temporary 15% boost to a player's Ranged skill