Doric and Boric tasks

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The Doric and Son smithy.

After completing the What's Mine is Yours quest, members can do tasks for Doric and Boric, receiving Smithing experience and charges on the Gofannon amulet. The items requested can only be smithed AFTER the task is started, otherwise they will not count. You cannot buy the items from the Grand Exchange, but you can buy the metal bars - you do not have to mine the ores or smelt them. After you complete each task, return to Doric or Boric for the next task.You can NOT boost any of the requirements.

Note: you can wear the Gofannon amulet while undertaking the tasks. You will get the double XP while smithing and mining the items, but it does not boost the XP rewards at the end of each task.

Doric's tasks

The required levels for the tasks cannot be temporary boosted.

Task 1: Smithing for Sten

Requirements: 12 Smithing and 10 Bronze bars

Speak to Doric in his hut north of Falador to bring pick up the order, then smith 5 bronze full helms at any normal anvil (you can take the 10 bronze bars to Doric's hut but do not smith them until after you get the order) and deliver them to Sten in the Artisan's Workshop in Falador (anvils in the workshop will not work). Talk to Sten and pick up the second part of the task. Descend down the stairs and make and lay 5 bronze tracks in one of the tunnels below the workshop. Return to Sten to claim the rewards.


Task 2: Attack of the Trolls

Requirements: Death Plateau ( Completion of the old version of the Death Plateau quest does not qualify you for this task. You must have completed the fully-voiced version.), 18 Smithing and 26 Bronze bars

Speak to Doric to pick up the order then smith 3 bronze platebodies and 3 kiteshields (costing 24 bars) at any anvil and deliver them to Commander Denulth in Burthorpe, outside the injured soldiers barracks SE of the teleport lodestone. Talk to the commander, and then return to Doric to learn how to make a cannon repair. Make a cannon repair part using 2 bronze bars - this must be done at Doric's anvil. Climb up the ladder to the top of the castle north of the commander in North Burthorpe. Then repair the broken cannon (12 o'clock position) and return to the commander to tell him you have completed the repair.


  • 500 Smithing xp
  • 1,500 charges on the Gofannon amulet.

Task 3: Warhammers and Longswords

Requirements: 24 Smithing and 25 Iron bars

After speaking to Doric, head north to the goblin village and speak to General Bentnoze or General Wartface in the building at the north of the village. The two will bicker over what to make. Agree their order, then make 5 iron longswords and 5 iron warhammers and return them to the generals.


  • 750 Smithing XP
  • 2,250 charges on the Gofannon amulet.

Task 4: Burial Armour

Requirements: 30 Smithing and 20 iron ore

Doric will tell you that smithing is not all fun and games. As smiths make the weapons with which wars are waged, all smiths must face the consequences of their work, death. He will tell you that as his partner, you are expected to learn this serious side of the business. He will send you to Suak, an old smith at the Artisan's Workshop, to make burial armour, the making of which is a dwarvish custom to honour the dead. After talking to Doric, go to the Artisan's Workshop in Falador. If you have not made Burial Armour before, speak to Suak to learn. Briefly, you will need to make 20 pieces of armour. Each piece of armour is made from an ingot. Each ingot takes a certain number of ore to make. Right-click the smelter Sten shows you in the cutscene to find out how many, load 20 iron ore into the smelter (can be noted), extract 20 iron ingots, and then smith the 20 pieces of armour. Follow Suaks instructions about what to make for maximum experience, but this is not mandatory. When you have made 20 pieces, your chatbox will say "Suak is pleased with the amount of burial armour you've made." Talk to Suak after you finish to gain the reward and finish the task. (Doric will send you back if you forget.)


  • 1,500 Smithing XP
  • 4,500 charges on the Gofannon amulet.

Task 5: A Gnomish Request

Requirements: 48 Smithing and 50 Steel bars

Talk to Doric to pick up the order, then head to a good bank/anvil location (e.g. Varrock). However, it is possible to have all 50 steel bars by using a beast of burden and so making the items directly at Doric's anvil. Make 10 steel swords and 8 steel platebodies. Go to Dorics anvil and use the platebodies on the anvil to make 8 gnome steel platebodies. Take the items to Commander Montai on the Gnome battlefield south of Ardougne. The commander is south of the bridge behind the gnome defenses and can be spotted as the gnome wearing red armour.


  • 5,000 Smithing XP
  • 15,000 charges for the Gofannon amulet.

Task 6: Fremennik of War

Requirements: 59 Smithing and 60 Mithril bars

Pick up the order from Doric and then head to a good bank/anvil. Make 20 mithril warhammers then travel to Rellekka. Talk to Skulgrimen at his house immediately north of the Great Hall to claim your reward.


  • 8,000 Smithing XP
  • 24,000 charges for the Gofannon amulet

Task 7: Nostalgic Warhammers

Requirements: 64 Smithing Required

Doric will tell you that Santiri wants you to smith a First generation warhammer. Head to the most North-western building in West Keldagrim. Talk to Santiri, he will tell you to talk to Supreme Commander Bisi in the building south of him up the stairs. Bisi will give you a Black guard warhammer, and tell you to hit it with a hammer. Use the black warhammer on an anvil to crack it (one is located south of the building the Supreme Commander is in). Head back to Santiri, but he will say that it's an 18th generation warhammer at best, and suggests heading to the librarian. Go to the librarian to the east of Santiri's store (and East of Dromund and Haera), and he will suggest talking to someone used to working with heavy stone. Go to the Stonemason (south in West Keldagrim). Bring the warhammer to the stonemason south of the pub and he will suggest using his stone crusher to crush it. After you've used the warhammer on the stone crusher (which can be found in the same building the Stonemason is in), head back to Santiri, and he will still complain, saying it looks like a 6th generation warhammer. He suggests that it needs to be rustier, so head to East Keldagrim and use it on the well there. Finally, head back to Santiri and he will finally be satisfied, and give you your reward.


  • 12,000 Smithing XP
  • 36,000 charges for the Gofannon amulet

Task 8: The Mysterious Client

Requirements: 75 Smithing and 50 Adamant bars

Speak to Doric and he will tell you about a mysterious order. Make sure you have at least two inventory spaces open to receive the order and a weapons crate. The order says to make 25 adamant scimitars and then place them in the weapons crate on the stump behind the gem store in Falador.

Head to a bank/anvil and make 25 scimitars and add them to the crate (the crate will become full). Go to Falador and go to the south end of the gem store (west of the castle). Click on the tree stump behind the gem store to investigate it and you will place the crate in the tree stump. A cutscene will play as you spy on who will collect the weapons. Once the cutscene is over, search the crate again to receive your reward. You will also receive a Monkey's Note, which you can read to see the monkeys' apology for knocking you out!

Examine text for the monkey reads, "A monkey on a mission."


  • 20,000 Smithing XP
  • 60,000 charges for the Gofannon amulet

NOTE: If you speak to Doric and go through the conversation, but do not receive the order and crate, and make the items, you will not be able to complete this task. You will have to go through the chat again, receive the items, and make the items once more.

Boric's tasks

Task 1

Requirements: 30 Mining and 30 Coal

Head down the stairs at Doric's workshop to speak to Boric and get the task. Then you need to go to the Seers' Village coal truck deposits west of McGrubers Wood. One route is to teleport to the Seers Village Lodestone or McGrubers Wood fairy ring (ALS), then follow the rail tracks to the north and then west of McGrubers Wood, then cross the river at the log. An alternate route is to use the home teleport spell to the Ardougne Lodestone, run north, then west past the fishing guild, then north to the iron gates, open the gates, and run north to where the coal trucks and coal rocks are.

You need to load 30 coal into the trucks. Note: There is no need to mine the coal, you can also buy the coal ores and take them to the coal trucks deposit. Use a familiar to carry all 30, or carry 28 and mine the last two (you cannot use noted coal).

Talk to the Dwarven Miner (south of the coal trucks and Stankers) to let him know when you are done to claim your reward. Note: If you have the coal already in your truck from an earlier time there is no need to mine it - just talk to the dwarf miner to let him know.


  • 1,500 Mining XP
  • 4,500 charges for the Gofannon amulet

Task 2

Requirements: 40 Mining

Boric will give you a Mining sites note with a list of 5 mining sites to visit. Bring armour, weapons, and food to defeat five level 2 creatures, then head to each location and clear each site of a Living rock brawler. The locations are North-east Ardougne Mine (the rocks to the west of the path), Al Kharid Mine, North-west Brimhaven Mine, Lumbridge West Mine (located between the water altar and Wizard's Tower), and South-east Port Khazard Mine. The creatures are summoned by mining the rocks. Note: It doesn't have to be the first attempt and you only have to kill one on each site. Return to Boric for your reward.


  • 3,500 Mining XP
  • 10,500 charges for the Gofannon amulet

Task 3

Requirements: 60 Mining

Boric will tell you that he has negotiated with the mining guild to provide supplies. However they want a show of commitment first by proving the owners of the business are as happy to do the menial tasks as the workers. To do this Boric asks that you mine 15 coal and 10 mithril ore (it must be within the Mining Guild mine and can include the Mining Guild Resource Dungeon). When you've obtained the correct amounts of both ores, your chatbox will read "You've gathered enough ore to satisfy the Mining Guild dwarves. Head back to Boric with the ore." Return with the ore to Boric. Note that extra ore gained through Varrock armour does count. Note: It is best to start by first mining the 5 Mithril rocks, as the ore takes from 2 to 4 minutes to respawn, and the rocks need to be mined twice to gather 10 Mithril ore.


Complete rewards

  • 183,500 charges for the Gofannon amulet.
  • 13,000 Mining experience.
  • 48,000 Smithing experience.


  • As you complete Doric's tasks the mannequins in his hut and the signpost out front will be upgraded. Once the 8th task has been completed, they will be made out of rune.
  • It is possible to obtain strange rocks while working on Doric's tasks.
  • The Mining Guild task was updated to allow mining done in the resource dungeon to count towards the task.