Combining charges
Combinging charges is the method in which charges on partially-charged enchanted jewellery are combined or transferred to make one fully charged item and one item that is more discharged or fully discharged. No charges are lost in the process. For example, combining the charges of two 5-charge Games necklaces results in one 8-charge (fully charged) necklace and one 2-charge necklace. Combining charges is often used by players who wish to use bank space efficiently, since items at different charge levels take up separate slots in the bank. For example, having games necklaces at each of their charge levels would take up eight slots, while combining charges would mean only one or at most two slots would be taken up.
If an item normally disintegrates into dust when its last charge is used, the item also disintegrates when its charges are reduced to 0 through combining charges. For example, combining the charges of two 4-charge games necklaces results in just one 8-charge necklace. If an item does not disintegrate when discharged, like enchanted Dragonstone jewellery, then it does not when its charges are reduced to 0 through combining charges.
Unlike the somewhat similar process of Decanting, players cannot combine charges by themselves. Instead, Murky Matt at the Grand Exchange can combine charges for players. When a player right-clicks Murky Matt and selects 'Charge', all applicable items in the player's inventory have their charges combined.
All types of enchanted Jewellery can have their charges combined. This includes the Ferocious ring, which the players cannot make themselves but can be received through monster drops.