Clan hatchet

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Clan hatchet
Release date 26 July 2011 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
Alchemy Cannot be alchemised
Destroy Discard
Store price Not sold
Examine It can only be used in the clan battlefield.
Weight 1.3 kg
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The Clan hatchet is a hatchet only found inside the Battlefield within a Clan Citadel. It will appear from an item spawner set to spawn hatchets. It can be used to destroy barriers which are set to be destroyed by woodcutting. It is visually identical to a bronze hatchet, but has lower bonuses.

Hover over image for type A player wielding a clan hatchet.
A player wielding a clan hatchet.
 Attack bonus
-2 +2 +1 0 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

+2.5 0 0% 0
FastInterval: 3.0 seconds