Clan Settings

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Clan settings are accessed by clicking the 'clan settings' button in the bottom-left corner of the clan chat interface. In this interface players can change the rank levels of players using the 'clanmates' tab, and edit the general settings of the clan chat in the 'clan settings' tab.


This tab shows the members that are in the clan along with their rank level and online status. Players on this list are shown in green if they are online and on the same world as the player viewing the list. Players shown in yellow are online at the time, but are on a different world than the player who is viewing him/her. The rest are currently offline, or not currently in the clan chat.

By clicking the button beside the rank symbol of a user, clan members can view the jobs of that user as well as their rank level. Players who are ranked admin or above can use this window to change the rank level and job title of the user, as well as whether or not the user is banned from the Clan Citadel, Clan Keep or the Citadel Island. Admins can also permanently kick a player from the clan using this window.

The 'Clanmates' tab of the clan settings interface. The players on the same world as the viewer are shown in green, and online players are shown in yellow.

Clan Ranks











Deputy Owner


Clan wars leader

Clan Jobs

Main article: Jobs (Clan)

Clan Settings

The settings section of the clan settings interface

This tab lets players ranked admin or above change the general settings of the clan. All other members of the clan can view these options, however.

General settings

  • Set clan time zone - Allows clans to set an official timezone for their clan.
  • Set Clan Home World - Allows clans to set a home world for their clan. Clan members can still join from any world. This option ranges from world one to world 200 (including worlds that have yet to be added).
  • Set clan to "Clan Time" - By checking this box, all clan events will be run based on the clan's set timezone.
  • Advertise Clan Recruitment - Allows clans to choose whether their clan is recruiting new members or not
  • Add Official Clan RuneScape forum Thread ID - Allows clans to post a link to their official thread in their clan forum.

Guest access in chat

  • Enter the chat - If this box is checked, players that are not ranked in the clan will be able to join the clan chat by entering as a guest.
  • Talk in the chat - If this box is checked, guests to the clan will be allowed to talk in the clan chat. Otherwise, guests will only be able to receive messages sent by ranked clan members. Note: whenever the permission 'minimum talking rank' is set in the permissions tab, this setting is automatically de-selected.


  • Signpost permissions - This sets who can view the relationships between clans on the citadel signpost. The options available include allied only, friendly +, neutral + or anyone. This setting can only be changed in the clan citadel.
  • Guest access to citadel - Sets whether guests are allowed only the on island outside the citadel walls (basically the signpost and battlefield), are allowed inside the citadel walls (but not the keep), are allowed everywhere (including the keep), or have no access. Guests must have RuneScape membership to be able to access any clan's citadel. This setting can only be changed while in the clan's citadel. The clan ban list (for guest clan chat) modifies guest access. Players banned from guest clan chat are also banned from the clan citadel. Guests already in the citadel at the time they are banned are removed after a three-minute delay, similar to the three-minute warning that occurs before the tick for all players.

Clan information

  • Open Motto Editor - Allows a clan to set an official motto, which is displayed on the Clan Vexillum and along the banner in the clan's website page. Limited to 80 characters.
  • Open Motif Editor - Changes Clan Vexillum and Clan Cloak images/colours
  • Open Keyword Editor - Allows the clan to set up to ten keywords (from a set list) to help identify the clan to outsiders.


The permissions tab of the clan settings interface

The permissions section in clan settings allows players ranked admin or above to change what specific rank levels are allowed to do within the clan. In order to grant or remove a permission for a specific rank, three conditions must be met:

  1. The player changing the permissions must be ranked admin or above
  2. The rank that is being edited must be of a lower level than the rank of the player changing the permissions
  3. The player changing the permissions must currently have the permission they are trying to grant/remove

The permissions are split into five categories, which are displayed along the top of the interface:


This category includes the administration permissions for the clan. These include:

Icon Description Minimum rank available to
Allow to lock lower ranks from the keep Sets whether or not clan members of this rank level can lock lower ranks from the Clan Keep on the citadel island. This does not restrict the ability of Administrator+ ranks to ban individual players from the keep via the "Clanmates" tab. Administrator
Allow to lock lower ranks from the citadel Sets whether or not clan members of this rank level can lock lower ranks from the Clan Citadel. This does not restrict the ability of Administrator+ ranks to ban individual players from the citadel via the "Clanmates" tab. Administrator
Allow to enter the keep Determines whether or not players of the selected rank level can enter the keep of the clan citadel island. Only ranks with the "Allow to lock lower ranks from the keep" permission may set this for the other ranks, and then only on lower ranks. This does not affect the per clan member "ban" from citadel/keep/island on the "Clanmates" tab. Recruit
Allow to enter the citadel Determines whether or not players of the selected rank level can enter the Clan Citadel. Only ranks with the "Allow to lock lower ranks from the citadel" permission may set this for the other ranks, and then only on lower ranks. This does not affect the per clan member "ban" from citadel/keep/island on the "Clanmates" tab. Recruit
Allow to recruit new clanmates This permission allows players to recruit new players into the clan. These new players will automatically be given the rank of Recruit until changed by a player ranked Administrator or above. For more information, see Recruiting new members Recruit
Allow to lead rated clan wars matches This permission allows all players of the rank level to start rated clan wars matches. All ranks that have this permission enabled will be given a rated clan wars badge() under the clanmates tab. Recruit
Allow to add to the signpost Ranks that have this permission will be able to edit information on the signpost in the Clan Citadel. Administrator

Note: The permissions 'allow to enter the citadel' and 'allow to enter the clan keep' are only changeable inside the clan citadel.


This category is for permissions relating directly to the Clan Chat . The permissions include:

Icon Description Minimum rank available to
Set minimum talking rank Determines who can send messages to the channel. Players who do not have the required permissions to be able to talk can still join the channel and read other player's messages.


Set minimum kicking rank Determines who can kick and ban guest players from the Clan Chat. For more information see kicking/banning guests. Recruit

Note: When either option is selected for a rank, it is automatically de-selected for all levels below, and automatically selected for all levels above (even if the rank changing the setting cannot edit those levels).


Permissions relating to clan events are stored in this category. These include:

Icon Description Minimum rank available to
Allow to change clan noticeboard Sets which ranks are allowed to enter new events and change existing events using the 'Administrate' option on the Clan Noticeboard. Administrator
Allow to start event on clan battlefield Ranks with this permission can begin battles in the Clan Battlefield, located inside the clan's citadel. Recruit
Allow to initiate a clan vote Sets which ranks can begin a clan vote in the clan meeting tent. Recruit
Allow to begin/invite to a private meeting Ranks with this permission can begin and invite players to private clan meetings within one of the two clan citadel small meeting rooms. Note, the permission to start private meetings in the clan camp meeting tent is always set to Admin+. Recruit
Allow to operate the party room Sets which ranks can operate the clan Party Room, which is located within the Keep of the clan citadel. Recruit
Allow to operate the clan theatre Sets which ranks can operate the clan Theatre, which is located within the Keep of the clan citadel. Recruit


This contains permissions relating to the editing and building of the Clan Citadel . These permissions include:

Icon Description Minimum rank available to
Ability to mark buildings for upgrading Ranks with this permission may mark structures within their clan citadel for upgrade with the next 'tick'. More information is available within the building section of the clan citadel article. Administrator
Ability to mark buildings for downgrading Ranks with this permission may mark structures within their clan citadel for a downgrade with the next 'tick'. Administrator
Ability to edit the clan battlefield Allows ranks with this permission to change the layout of their clan battlefield. Recruit
Ability to edit the language in the citadel Allows ranks with this permission to change the language of their citadel by talking to the Head Guard. Overseer
Ranks with this permission may remove the Clan Avatar habitat Administrator
Ranks with this permission may add buffs to the Clan Avatar Administrator
Ranks with this permission may customise the appearance of the Clan Avatar Administrator


This category contains the permissions relating to skilling within the clan citadel. These include:

Icon Description Minimum rank available to
Allow to check the resources collected by other clan members Allows ranks to check the resources gathered by other clanmates. Recruit
Allow to set gathering objectives Allows ranks to set a targeted amount of resources for their clanmates to gather within their clan citadel. Administrator
Allows ranks to toggle resource plots as locked or unlocked. Administrator
Allow to set the timing of the weekly build 'tick' Ranks with this permission are allowed to set the timing of the weekly building 'tick' to an earlier date. For more information, see Build tick. Overseer

Leave clan

File:Leave clan-owner.png
Message that appears when the clan owner attempts to leave the clan.

Any player can click this button to permanently leave the clan they are in. They will be presented with a confirmation box if they press this button. By doing this they will lose their rank in the clan and a clan member with the "Ability to recruit" permission will need to recruit them back into the clan again.

If the clan owner leaves the clan, the deputy owner will be promoted to owner.

Clan Motif

The clan motif editor
The motif as it appears on the website

By pressing the 'clan motif' button at the bottom of the clan settings tab, as mentioned in the previous section, an interface is displayed which allows players to choose what their official clan symbol and colours are. Any player ranked admin or above can choose the two symbols that will appear on their clan's cape, vexillum and along the top of their clan's page in clan home. They can then choose the colour for the two symbols using a colour selecting interface and the two colours that will appear in the places mentioned above. However, the Motif will not appear unless there are five members in the clan.


When editing their clan symbols and colors, the admins (or higher ranked members) can select 2 of 112 different logos to put on their clan capes and vexillums. These logos range from letters, numbers, skill symbols, god symbols, animals, and more. Not long ago, Jagex held a clan Experence Competition. The reward for the top five clans to make the most experience was a custom logo to put on their clan capes and vexillae.

The list of all symbols