Candle seller

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Candle seller
Release date 14 March 2005 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? No
Location Lumbridge Swamp, near the entrance to the Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Sells items? Yes - candles
Gender Male
Examine He has an odd smell about him.
Notable features Sells candles for 1000 coins each
File:Candle seller location.png
A detailed image of the Candle Seller's head
A detailed image of the Candle Seller's head

The Candle seller is a non-player character that players can find near the entrance to Lumbridge Swamp Caves. He sells candles at the fairly extortionate price of 1000 coins each. Since players need a light source to enter the caves, they may be greatly tempted to pay the price if they do not have a light source with them.

However, using an open flame (such as a candle) as a light source in the caves is extremely dangerous, since the caves are full of highly flammable swamp gas. The resulting explosion can do serious damage to players' life points, even quite high-level players.

Nevertheless, the candle seller's strategy is to provide items for sale where players perceive they need them, and to sell them at high prices. This makes him one of the most brilliant salesmen in RuneScape, along with Ali Morrisane (see also Advanced Trading guide).

His only weakness is that he is prone to explaining how to make lanterns, which could well put him out of business. The candle seller, obviously, never leaves his position near the entrance to the Lumbridge Swamp Caves.


  • The option "No thanks, I'd rather curse the darkness" is probably a reference to the phrase "Better light a candle than curse the darkness".
  • The Candle seller looks exactly like Abidor Crank from the Temple Trekking minigame.

nl:Candle seller