- For information on Burthorpe prior to the 31 January 2012 update, please see Burthorpe (historical).
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Burthorpe is a military town north-west of Falador and north of Taverley, and is currently the base of the Imperial Guard of Asgarnia as well as the residence of Prince Anlaf, the kingdom's crown prince. The town is members-only. Burthorpe is one of two areas of Asgarnia that is not controlled by the White knights. (The other is the Black Knights' Fortress, held by the white knights' arch rivals, the Black Knights. Also, the druids have control over Taverley, but there isn't any formal government there that is known to players, so it's usually counted in with Burthorpe). The Imperial Guard control Burthorpe, and they are loyal to the royal line of Asgarnia, especially Crown Prince Anlaf. The Imperial Guard believes that the white knights seized power rather than being given it by King Vallance just before he disappeared. The king has not been seen for a long time, and Anlaf has recently gone into hiding for fear of capture or assassination.
The Troll Country is immediately north of Burthorpe, and Burthorpe has come under constant attacks, raids and invasions by the Trolls. Death Plateau in particular seems a threat, as many heavily armed trolls have a permanent camp there. The Imperial Guard, with help of adventurers, has been taking measures to reduce this threat. Trolls are often seen invading the town, slaughtering families and soldiers alike. If the trolls overrun Burthorpe, Falador will use it as a reason to disband the Imperial Guard and take over the town in the name of the White Knights,
Burthorpe also borders the Wilderness, although the two are separated by the Forinthry Cliffs. Nevertheless, the town hosts a beacon in the Beacon Network. Adventurers are occasionally seen testing the beacons, as part of the All Fired Up minigame.
On 31 January of 2012, Burthorpe, along with the neighbouring town of Taverley, was completely remodelled. The towns now act as a tutorial area for new members. There are tutors for all members' skills, as well as a few F2P skills and low level training opportunities.
Burthorpe can be entered either from Taverley to the south, the White Wolf Mountain the the west or from Death Plateau to the north-west. The games necklace provides a teleport to the Troll Invasion D&D, and the
combat bracelet can teleport to just outside the Warriors' Guild. Burthorpe is also an option in the Home Teleport spell, the lodestone being automatically unlocked.
Notable Features
- Burthorpe is a dreary city, home to a military training camp. Soldiers of the Imperial Guard are often seen patrolling the town. Attackable soldiers are the only source of black claws or black dart.
- Burthorpe Castle is home to the Burthorpe Games Room.
- Burthorpe is also home to the Warriors' Guild, which houses a large combination of melee-based activities. Players' attack and strength levels must add up to a total of 130 or level 99 in attack or strength in order to enter.
- Just to the south of Burthorpe is the Heroes' Guild.
- Burthorpe is also the respawn point of Bob the Jagex Cat, as his pet human is Unferth.
- Dunstan runs a smithing shop in the northeast end of town.
- The Troll Invasion Distraction and Diversion can be found north of the Warriors' Guild, which can be started by speaking to Captain Jute.
- Burthorpe is home to a low level agility course.
- Xuan runs the Loyalty Programme Shop just outside of the agility course.
- There is a small ceremony field next to the Warriors' Guild, where a bank chest can be found.
- A small mine with copper, tin and clay can be found, as well as a potters wheel and kiln nearby.
The following quests may be started in Burthorpe:
- Death Plateau and the
- Troll Stronghold quests by speaking to Denulth, in his tent south of the castle.
- A Tail of Two Cats by speaking to Unferth, in his house due east of the castle.
- Heroes' Quest by speaking to Achietties, in the Heroes' Guild
- Troll Romance
Non-player characters (NPCs)
- Hygd
- Xuan - Loyalty Shop
- Ceolburg
- Breoca
- Unferth
- Ocga
- Hild
- Dunstan - Blacksmith
- Gaius
- Ghommal - Guards the entrance to the Warriors' Guild
- Bernald
- Achietties - Guards the entrance to the Heroes' Guild
- Servant
- Eadburg
- Eohric
- Tam McGrubor - Hands the player a Wicked Hood
- Sabbot - Quest character living in a cave just outside the Troll invasion gate
- Carwen Essencebinder - Runecrafting Tutor
- Apprentice Clara - Apprentice to Carwen and sells runes.
- Commander Denulth
- Sergeant
- Soldier
- Archer
- Guard
- Captain Jute
- Wall guard
- Drill Sergeant Hartman - Agility tutor
- Major Nigel Corothers - Combat tutor
- Isold
- Combat Supplier
- A lot of the civilians in Burthorpe are named after characters from the epic poem Beowulf.
- Burthorpe is tied with Varrock and Hemenster for having the most guilds of any city at two each.
- It is not certain what religion Burthorpe has, but, according to Betrayal at Falador, its leader, Prince Anlaf, is Guthixian. He does build a secret Zamorakian altar, but this is likely due to The Sybil's influence over him at the time.
- Despite the Imperial Guard of Burthorpe being called Imperial, neither the Kingdom of Asgarnia nor the Principality of Burthorpe is an empire.
- Burthorpe and Taverley received a major overhaul on 31 January 2012. The towns were re-purposed to act as a tutorial area for new members. This update completely reshaped both towns.
- Prior to the update, Turael could be found in Burthorpe, and the entrance to the Rogues' Den was located beneath Burthorpe's now-removed pub.
- The Death Plateau quest used to include a coloured cannonball puzzle, but this was removed with the area and quest rework. Guards mention this in conversation.