Stolen Hearts

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The banner promoting the two new quests
This is the quick guide for Stolen Hearts.
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Stolen Hearts (#165)
Release date 26 September 2012 (Update)
Members only? No
Quest series Desert
Official difficulty Novice
Official length Short
Developer Stephen R
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Official description

Ozan's in Draynor Village, looking for an old friend who's fallen into bad company. You'll join Ozan as you infiltrate the Draynor underworld, meet an old flame, and become caught up in a kidnapping plot of princely proportions that leads back to Al Kharid - the home from which Ozan was banished years ago.

Traverse the rooftops of the gloriously reworked Al Kharid to steal the mother of all diamonds, and confront the kidnapping villains. You may find, though, that the intrigue runs deeper than you or Ozan ever suspected...


Start point: Speak to Ozan in Draynor Village. Speak to Ozan in Draynor Village.
Members only: No
Official difficulty: Novice Novice
Description: None
Length: Medium
Requirements: None.
Items required: Recommended Items:
  • For lower levels, food and armour of iron or above is recommended.
Enemies to defeat: Three Mercenaries (level 2) - though you have help fighting them.

An Old Friend

To start the quest, speak to Ozan in northern Draynor Village. He says that he has heard of your adventures and would like your help in one of his own.

When he was growing up in Al Kharid as an inexperienced thief, he became good friends with Khnum, a palace guard. As he became older and more reputed for his thieving skills, Ozan was caught and banished from the city for breaking into the palace, after which he lost touch with everyone in Al Kharid, including Khnum.

Years later, Khnum has now apparently joined an up-and-coming gang who have set up base in Draynor Village. Ozan suspects that his friend, a peace-loving character, is getting involved in something that he cannot deal with on his own.

The Skulls

As Khnum is avoiding Ozan, the master thief suggests you pose as a thug interested in working in a gang, and find out if Khnum is safe. The gang, named The Skulls, gather in the cellar of the adjoining building.

The Skullery, the local haunt of the Skulls.

Try to enter through the trapdoor in the building, only to be stopped by the bouncer; threaten him and he will let you in. Talk to Khnum about getting recruited into the gang, which he is the leader of. To become a part of the gang, he wants you to tell him how you would react to certain 'hypothetical' situations.

There are no correct answers, although each response will decide what title you may get at the end of the quest.

Once he is satisfied with your responses, he officially recruits you into The Skulls. On asking him about the gang's works, he tells you that three of his best men are out performing a kidnapping, and that he can't spare any more details. Khnum tells you to meet him up in the gang headquarters for a job, although refuses to tell you its location. He wants you to find it on your own, proving to him that you are indeed Skulls material.


Khnum is not going anywhere..

Exit the den and go back to Ozan, telling him about everything that transpired below. As he does not know the HQ's location either, he suggests following Khnum when he goes there to meet you.

Tail Khnum around Draynor Village, keeping your distance at all times. Eventually, he leads you to the abandoned jail east of the village. Enter the ruins to confront Khnum. When he finds out that you have been working together with Ozan, he explains why he turned over to the dark side.

If you lose Ozan by any manner, he will go back to the abandoned jail.

Interrogating Khnum.

When Ozan was being banished from the city, Khnum was wrongly laid off for assisting his friend and letting him inside the palace. Khnum, serving loyally for the past twenty years, was devastated and became hateful of the city, and Ozan.

Suddenly, Leela appears, mistaking you and Ozan as members of The Skulls, ready to shoot her crossbow. After explaining her the situation, you discover that the kidnapping Khnum mentioned involves Al Kharid's prince, Ali- he was taken while he was touring Lumbridge.

In Over His Head...

Fighting Lady Keli's minions.

You are given a few interrogation techniques to use on Khnum - choose the option to let him stay locked up. Ozan, using his knowledge of Khnum, helps you convince him to give up the kidnapping plan.

Khnum reveals that they are simply henchmen, working for a Lady Keli, and that they only acted as guides around Misthalin, sometimes acting as the muscle. She was supposed to leave via a ship on the south coast of Draynor, along with their captor.

Head south, following the coastline, until you meet up with the kidnappers near the bridge that leads to the Wizards' Tower. Talk to Lady Keli to initiate another cut-scene. Keeping a blade on the prince's neck, Lady Keli warns you to back off. As soon as you refuse, she converts the mercenaries into thralls to fight you before escaping by waters.

Defeat the Skull mercenaries and Joe and pick up the ransom note.

The Creed

Leela, adamant to get the prince back, requests you to get the news to her father, the Spymaster, Osman. As he does not trust Ozan or you, she gives you a passphrase as a safe passage into the palace quarters. When asked, agree to accompany Ozan to Al Kharid - travel by whatever means are suitable.

When inside the city, head up to the palace entrance. Try to enter, but the guard refuses to let you under any circumstance. Fortunately, Ozan is already hatching a plan - he plans to make his way into the palace by the rooftops.

Go to the crafting store in the north-eastern part of the city and make your way to the top.

  • Walk across the plank and slide down the awning.
  • Go through the building and across the washing line
  • Climb the ladder, cross the planks and up another ladder
  • Jump down the scaffold, climb down the rug, and swing across the wooden frame
  • Jump to the Next building.
  • Bounce across the awning to the bank.
  • Climb up the brickwork and click on the "leave it to Ozan" flagpole and a momentary cut-scene of Ozan firing a grapple at the palace ensues. Shimmy across the rope.

The Kharid-ib

Osman and the Ambassador have a heated conversation.

Attempt to climb the brickwork to trigger a cut-scene where the Menaphite ambassador, Jabari is "negotiating" with Osman, Hassan and the Emir to put a Menaphite on the throne of Al Kharid if the ailing Emir dies. The Emir instantly abandons the idea of a Menaphite ruling Al Kharid and tells the ambassador that they will find the prince.

After the ambassador and the Grand Vizier leave, the Emir and Osman discuss the kidnap and the ransom. When Osman mentions that the "Kharid-ib" could be a demand, the Emir announces that the Kharid-ib must not leave Al Kharid, though Ali must be recovered at any other cost.

Ozan, opting to keep the prince as the main priority, suggests stealing the "Kharid-ib". Climb the brick-work and break-in through the skylight to the south. Inside the treasure room, open one of the ornate chests to obtain the scroll, History of the Kharid-ib; read it to understand the logic behind a puzzle.

A Heavy Heart

The puzzle.
An example solution. You need to drag the chosen weight to the inventory icon on the top left.

In the center of the room are 9 weights, 8 of which are equal in weight and the final is heavier than the rest. You need to retrieve the odd weight using the nearby Het scales.

You have exactly two weighings to determine which is the heaviest weight.

  • Place any two random sets of 3 weights on each side of the scales.
    • If one side is heavier than the other, you know that one of the three on that side is the heavy one.
    • If both sides weigh the same, then you know that the heavy weight is one of the three you did not choose.
  • Now that you have it narrowed down to 3 weights, put one of those 3 on the left side, another on the right and the third one aside.
    • If the two chosen weights are the same, then you know that the third one is the heavy one.
  • Once you find the heavy weight, drag the weight to the bag to take it into your inventory.

Please note if players log off, they will find themselves outside the palace. Simply talk to Ozan again to be taken back into the diamond room.

Dying Hearts

As you steal the diamond, the guards are immediately alarmed. A cut-scene ensues, where you get caught by Osman. You try to explain, but Osman doesn't trust the either of you - tell him the passphrase that Leela gave you.

Osman, hearing that you indeed work with his daughter, orders his guards to stand down. You hand the diamond over to him and are taken to the Emir who forbids it to be used as ransom. In the ensuing discussion, the Emir dies and you and Ozan are freed - and has his citizenship reinstated.

Congratulations! Quest complete!


  • 3 Quest Points
Listen to audio.
Congratulations, you have completed Stolen Hearts! (link)

Music unlocked

Required for completing

Completion of Stolen Hearts is required for the following:


Cultural References

  • All of Leela's passphrases are references to persian narrations:
  • The scales of Het are a possible reference to The Judgement of Osiris.
  • When interrogating Khnum in jail, he says "A man cannot live off bread alone", which is a reference to the bible verse - Matthew 4:4, "Man does not live on bread alone...".
  • Hassan and Emir could be a reference to Hassan and Amir from Khaled Hosseini's novel, The Kite Runner.
  • The quest shares many similarities in movement to the Assassin's Creed franchise, seen while stalking Khnum and traversing via the rooftops.


  • An important part of the Egyptian soul was thought to be the Ib (jb), or heart. The Ib or metaphysical heart was believed to be formed from one drop of blood from the child's mother's heart, taken at conception. This is where the -ib suffix of the Kharid-ib originates from.
    • Diamonds are separated into 4 types one if which is "type Ib", however, as Mod Srowley explains, this is a coincidence.
  • In the beginning of the quest, Khnum mentions "The unicorn head in the bed trick", a reference to the The Godfather as well as faking the gang member's death with the "old cadava berry trick", which is a reference to the former quest Romeo & Juliet.
  • This is the only free-to-play quest that features thieving and agility.
  • Khnum's Skulls is a play on the word numbskulls.