Bob Barter (herbs)

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Bob Barter
Bob Barter
Release date 26 November 2007 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? No
Location Grand Exchange
Sells items? No, but gives current player prices for herbs.
Gender Male
Examine He's probably seen better days.
Notable features Gives current market prices for herbs.
File:Bob Barter map.png
Bob Barter chathead
Bob Barter chathead

Bob Barter is one of the Market Price Guides located in the north-west corner of the Grand Exchange. He has little use in free player worlds (only to decant strength potions), as herbs can only be used by members.

Bob appears to be poor, garbed in unwashed clothing. However, he is actually a wealthy merchant from East Ardougne. By pretending to be poor, he is able to more easily manipulate the businesses and individuals he trades and deals with.

With the update of 9 September 2008, players can now talk to him and he will combine any 3-dose, 2-dose and 1-dose potions (noted or unnoted) in your inventory into vials containing 4 doses. He will also combine barbarian potions, olive oil, sacred oil and calquat kegs. With the update of 24 November 2010, players can now take potions in note form to be combined as well as un-noted potions.

The symbol on the ground next to Bob.

Bob has also been updated to allow a player to choose which dosage he/she wants the potion as, either 4-dose, 3-dose or 2-dose. When combining 4-dose potions into 2-dose more vials are required, you can either supply your own vials or Bob can do the same but charge you the current GE price of a vial. This is the same for Juju vials.

If right clicked he can show you the current market price of popular herbs. The herbs listed are:


  • Bob's name is a play on the name Bob Barker, who was the host of "The Price is Right", and barter, a type of trading.
  • Bob will also decant noted potions, and will automatically note the decanted potion and empty vials. This way he can decant a very large number of potions in one go (2,147,483,647 per type of potion, up to 27 types).
  • Zahur in Nardah will decant 4-dose potions into 3-dose potions, for a small fee of 50 coins per inventory converted (regardless of how many potions are in inventory).
  • When asking him for prices while logged on an F2P world, you will see the prices, however you won't see herbs' names - they will all be called "Member's object".

fi:Bob Barter nl:Bob Barter