Draynor Bank Robbery

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Draynor Bank Robbery

The suspect breaks into the bank.
Draynor Village
The Wise Old Man steals the Blue partyhat of Elfinlocks and money from the Bank.
The Robber Others
The Wise Old Man None
The Wise Old Man Market guard, Purepker895,
Olivia, three bankers, Elfinlocks,
1337sp34kr, Qutiedoll and the Pillory Guard.
None 2 bankers, Purepker895,

Elfinlocks, 1337sp34kr,
Qutiedoll and the Pillory Guard

Next battle
Wizards' Tower Robbery
Background Fight in the Draynor Bank Robbery
Pillory Guard vs Wise Old Man

The Draynor Bank Robbery was a bank break-in, with criminal damage, several murders, and robbery which happened in Draynor Village. The only suspect is the Wise Old Man; there are some theories that Cool Mom227 aided him, though Mod Ash claims this to be untrue.

The main source of evidence is the security recording inside of the bank. Players can watch this recording by talking to the bank guard standing by the broken wall. The recording can be viewed again by paying the guard 50 coins.

Cool Mom227 lured the market guard patrolling the market away from the Wise Old Man, but it was confirmed<ref>Mod Ash. "Dev Blog - Wise Old Man quest". 12 May 2010. RuneScape Forums. *</ref> she wasn't involved in his plan making it merely a coincidence. If it wasn't for Cool Mom227, he would most likely have killed the market guard rather than had him distracted if he regarded him a serious threat.

The old man kills Purepker895 as he exits his house. Olivia, who witnessed the player's murder, was quickly teleported away before she could do anything using an unknown powerful spell (which looked similar to Saradomin Strike, being lightning, and sounded like Earth Wave). However, she did not see that the culprit was the Wise Old Man, due to an open door being between them.

The man destroyed a section of the bank's wall, killing the two bankers who attacked him.

The suspect then killed witness Elfinlocks, 1337sp34kr, and Qutiedoll before casting Telekinetic Grab on Elfinlocks' partyhat. He then was supposed to get the pillory random event, but he killed the Pillory Guard, who attacked him, with ease (First, it was the level 80 spell Charge, then a Saradomin Strike which hit 2000 life points, and a special kick), then finally forced the last surviving banker to give him all of the money.

He spotted the security tape, and broke it so no more could be viewed (even though it didn't work).

NPCs involved

Personal response and reaction

Dear Marioman318,

I gather from your letter that you have been quite assiduous in your studies of my little house and my recent activities. Well, my dear chap, I shall start by thanking you for your interest and enthusiasm! It gives me a great sense of satisfaction to see that the world has not forgotten me since I retired from my adventurous life.

In the course of my little escapade in the bank, your friend Elfinlocks was unfortunate enough to get in my way and I was forced to incapacitate her. Now you have written me a letter demanding that I right her wrongs. Perhaps it has not occurred to you that, even if I were to accede to your curt request, it would not benefit you in the slightest!

Allow me to elaborate. In the distant past, when I travelled the world solving people's problems and saving those in distress just as you do today, I held the hope that my efforts would be appreciated and met with appropriate gratitude. But what did I get? When I grew old and the time came for me to retire, I found myself forced into this poxy shack in Draynor Village, neighboured by a pigment-obsessed hag and a 'navigator' whose prowess at knitting exceeds his ability to steer a boat. Not to mention the constant flow of unashamed thieves through the village market! (The hideous harpy who sits gawking through my window will gladly show you a picture of the house as it was when I first came here.) My meek and placid nature notwithstanding, I realised that if I did not take my reward for myself, I would receive nothing at all. So I took up my trusty staff and headed for the bank. I am sure you would be likewise frustrated beyond belief if you were to dedicate a lifetime's effort to the service of others and receive no reward.

Now, let me return to your other questions. I chose the Draynor Village bank because it is convenient and local. Rural branches of banks are useful, and we should make full use of them. Otherwise there may come a day when the Bank of RuneScape closes its outlying branches and the Council has them transformed into trendy wine-bars.

I am indeed mystified by the matter of that creature under my bed. Many times I have persuaded willing folk to rid me of the nuisance, but always it returns. I suspect it to be a subterranean creature forced out of its natural habitat by those ridiculously attired xenophobes who call themselves HAM. On account of its incessant snoring at night, it is not welcome to seek asylum under my bed, and I shall continue to send people to deal with it until it ceases to trouble me.

Finally we come to the question of the Wizards' Tower. As you may have noticed, I have been training my telescope on it for quite some time now. I have not yet finalised my plans, but I do find myself terribly short of runes these days, and I feel that a short excursion to the Tower might solve my problem permanently. But I doubt I will make any move for a considerable time; the powers of Wizard Traiborn are not to be underestimated.

I thank you again for your letter.

Strength through wisdom,

Further crimes

There is evidence towards further potential robberies, most likely the Wizards' Tower. The Old Man's telescope points there, and in his strange book, it is written he is low on runes and the wizards have more. His shelves are full of tinderboxes, so it is possible that he plans to burn the tower down, like it had been burned down before, and steal the wizards' runes. There are also three log respawns on the ground floor of the tower, further pointing towards the fact that the Wise Old Man intends to burn down the Wizards' Tower; Dionysius has outright denied this to players who note this angrily to him, but his own words in certain Postbags from the Hedge believe this. The player can also speak with the Bank Guard who showed them the magical recording of this and comment the robber looked familiar, while the Guard replies that he, too, is aware of the robber's identity. When the player informs him that the Wise Old Man has admitted to his crimes, the banker replies that the amount of evidence against him makes such a confession nearly unnecessary; the player next asks the Guard whether they will arrest him, the Guard tells the player that "We're certainly keeping an eye on him. I'm afraid I can't give you any more details of the case." In the quest Love Story he does attack the wizard's tower together with Zenevivia in the Wizards' Tower Robbery. As they are walking out of Draynor Village, the guard in the tree warns the wizards that the Wise Old Man was coming. The wizards got ready, with Traiborn trying to find his thingummywut. When the Wise Old Man and Zenevivia got there, Zenevivia kicked the door opened and a fight ensued. Most of the wizards were not capable of fighting such strong mages, so they fled. Then Traiborn came with the humongous thingummywut, which suddenly attacked Zenevivia and the Wise Old Man, who fled. The wizards warned the Wise Old Man not to commit any more crimes, which the Wise Old Man agreed to, and the couple led a happy life.

The Wise Old Man telegrabs a blue partyhat.


The Wise Old Man's telescope is pointed at the Wizards' Tower.
  • The partyhat dropped in the video is a specially made item for the cutscene. There was a glitch that allowed the player to smuggle the partyhat out of the cutscene. However, the partyhat had a different item ID and was un-tradeable and if trying to trade the item the player will get a message saying "Please send a bug report to Jagex and tell them how you got that hat."
  • The blue partyhat obtained by using this glitch is worth only 1gp and cannot be alchemised.
  • If the blue partyhat obtained via the glitch is in your inventory when you die it will not appear under your gravestone.
  • The blue partyhat obtained via the glitch has no equip model, so even if a player was able to equip the fake partyhat it would not be visible on their character.
  • Upon completing the quest Love Story, players may assist the Bank Guard in getting out of the tree. This is done by talking to him, then cutting down the tree and watching a funny cutscene of him in great pain. Doing so yields 5,000 coins as well as logs.


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