Empty bag caller

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Empty bag caller
Release date 15 July 2009 (Update)
Members? No
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 8 coins
Low Alch 5 coins
Value 14 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price 14 coins
Examine Proves to your friends that you aren't carrying anything.
Weight 0 kg
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A detailed image of an empty bag caller.
A detailed image of an empty bag caller.

The Empty bag caller is an item released with the Tools for Games update of 15 July 2009. It can be bought from Faruq in Al-Kharid. It can be used to send announcements to your friends chat that you either have no items in your bag, have no equipment being worn, or both. Attempting to use it while not meeting the requirements will return the message "The bag caller can't prove that you don't have equipment when you do." Attempting to use it again after recently using it will return the message "You cannot do that yet" in order to prevent spam. This item is useful for playing scavenger hunts.

There is no fool-proof way to cheat with this. If you drop your items and then use the empty bag caller, it will wait until your items disappear and then it will send the message. Mod Poppy has confirmed this.


  • The empty bag caller looks like a single eyeball, which might be a reference of it "looking" whether you have items on you.

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