Reach out with magical force and choke the life from your target over 6 seconds, dealing damage every 2 seconds. Your target is stunned for the duration of this effect. Channelled.
Asphyxiate is a threshold ability associated with the Magic skill. It is available to all players, requiring only level 1 Magic. When activated, the user telekinetically strangles the target, attacking 4 times over a period of 6 seconds. Each successful hit momentarily stuns the target and deals up to 250% spell damage.
Asphyxiate is noteworthy for being one of the most powerful abilities in the game, particularly for a threshold ability. As each individual attack has a chance of dealing up to 250% spell damage, a high-levelled player could potentially deal several thousand damage in one use of Asphyxiate, particularly if wielding a staff. Many boss monsters have a damage cap that prevents any one attack from dealing more than a certain amount of damage to them; however, since Asphyxiate makes multiple attacks, it can technically bypass the cap. Against such monsters, Asphyxiate could be more powerful than Omnipower, an ultimate ability that deals damage equal to 25% of the target's maximum life points. As Omnipower deals all its damage in one attack, it is subject to the aforementioned damage cap against bosses, whereas Asphyxiate is affected less.
The Asphyxiate ability could be a reference to the Force Choke power from the Star Wars universe, popularized in the films by Darth Vader.
The highest observed single hit with Asphyxiate is currently 8188.