Ajjat | |
Release date | 12 June 2006 (Update) |
Race | Human |
Members NPC? | Yes |
Quest NPC? | No |
Location | Warriors' Guild |
Sells items? | Attack cape |
Gender | Male |
Examine | Used to be a black knight. |
Notable features | Wears and sells the Attack cape. |
File:Ajjat npc.png |

Ajjat is a former Black Knight, and left the Black Knights as they were not up to his personal standards. He can be found within the Warriors' Guild. He resides in the small room just west of the entrance of the Guild. As a master of Attack, he sells the Attack cape for 99,000 coins for players with level 99 in Attack. Players with a combination of 130 Strength and Attack levels, or level 99 in either of those skills may enter the Warriors' Guild.
Ajjat appears to be wearing tattered Black trimmed armour.
Warriors' Guild
The tokens given from his activity in the Warriors' Guild are used to gain entrance to a room full of Cyclopes at the top of the guild (100 tokens = 10 minutes inside the room). Cyclopes have a chance dropping a Defender which can be shown to the person outside the door of the cyclops room, they will then allow you to gain the next defender up in the sequence (bronze through to dragon). His activity can also be helpful in preparing players for the activity Barbarian Assault.
- He seems to be wielding a weapon resembling either a short, two-handed scimitar or—more likely—a broken two-handed sword.
- Ajjat's skillcape seems to have a black trim despite the fact that the attack skillcape that is available to players has a yellow/gold trim once that player has more than one skillcape.
- He is one of the 3 people who wear the trimmed version of the skillcape they sell, the other being Ignatius Vulcan (Firemaking) and Thurgo (Smithing).