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Release date 15 August 2002 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? Yes
Tradeable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 1 coin
Low Alch 1 coin
Value 3 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A sharp cattleprod.
Weight 0.4 kg
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A detailed image of a cattleprod.
A detailed image of a cattleprod.

The Cattleprod is a members-only quest item used only during the Sheep Herder quest. It is found near the incinerator. When wielded, players can "prod" the sick sheep with it, so the sheep move to the opposite direction where they were prod, and move to the enclosure. Upon completion of Mourning's Ends Part I, the sheep can no longer be prodded and the Cattleprod becomes useless. However, it can be wielded and has the same stats a bronze dagger, so it can be used as a weapon. When equipped, it resembles a spork.

If lost, it can be re-obtained from the incinerator area if players kept their Plague jacket and Plague trousers from the Sheep Herder quest. Otherwise, the player will refuse to enter and says: It doesn't look very safe in there. I'm not going in without decent protective clothing.

Alternatively, the Cattleprod may be re-obtained if you do not have Plague clothing by standing right of the gate at the enclosure and casting Telekinetic Grab.

Hover over image for type A player wielding a Cattleprod
A player wielding a Cattleprod
 Attack bonus
+4 +2 -4 +1 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 +1 0
Other bonuses Slot

+3 0 0% 0
Template:Unknown Attack Speed


  • When a player goes to equip the cattleprod, the option reads "Equip Cattleprod", instead of the usual "Wield...".
  • Cattleprods have magic attack and defence bonuses but are not magic weapons.
  • Cattleprods cannot be used to prod cows.