Facebook Connect
Facebook Connect is a feature that Jagex introduced, which supposedly makes it easier to login to RuneScape. It uses your Facebook account to store your login details for login. To setup this feature go to "Account Management". Next go to "Social Network Associations". Once you log in just click the Facebook logo. Then it is ready to be used.
- Sometimes when trying to connect to RuneScape via Facebook Connect, it will not go further than the secure.runescape page (popup that logs you in with Facebook) even if you are logged onto Facebook. This has not been fixed since its beginning.
- It is more likely you will suffer a log-out or a connection problem when playing RuneScape via Facebook Connect. This has not been fixed maybe because of it being a facebook problem out of Jagex's hands.
- Facebook Connect is currently the fastest way to login with RuneScape.
- If you log out or you lose connection that ends up in you logging out, when you used RuneScape via Facebook connect, you may get a message saying 'Your session has now ended' and have to restart the browser to log back in. This maybe an oversight by Jagex.