RuneScape Forums

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The RuneScape Forums

The RuneScape Forums are a part of the RuneScape website that allows players to communicate with each other. All Members and free players with a total level of 350 or above can post on the forums.

The forums are bound by their own set of rules, called the Code of Conduct (Often abbreviated as CoC), which "details exactly what is and is not acceptable behaviour within the Jagex Forums"<ref>Code of Conduct. RuneScape Forums. Jagex. “The Jagex Forum Code of Conduct details exactly what is and is not acceptable behaviour within the Jagex Forums.”*</ref>. The censor that filters in-game chat is also applied to the forums.



  • My Profile is a link to the forum profile of the active account, which holds links to the threads where you have posted. It also offers an option to disable smileys.
  • Search Users is a link to a page where you can look up Forum profiles of other forum users.
  • Search Threads links to the search feature of the RuneScape forums
  • Jump to thread: Enter a Quick Find Code in the text field and press  Go  to visit the relevant thread.

Forum Usage

Forum overview

For a complete list, see RuneScape Forum Directory.

The RuneScape forums is large. This small list provide links to the commonly used forum sections:


Each forum section can hold up to 50 pages of threads, at 20 threads per page for a total of 1000 threads. A thread can be created using the "Create a new thread" link. After a thread is created, the author can bump one of their threads every 10 minutes, using the "Bump" link at each of their own thread.


Writing a message and previewing it

Each thread which is not locked contains a "Reply" link. Clicking on the link directs you to a page, from where you can compose a new reply. Each reply can hold a maximum of 2000 characters, including up to 5 smileys.

Before posting a reply, it's possible to preview your text using the "Preview" button.

It's possible to edit your own posts using the "Edit" link at each of your own forum posts (for instance, if the censor affected your text).

Mod Stevew hinting the quote option for players.

Jagex Moderators can also reply to certain posts by using a "quote box".

Search threads

The search page with Advanced Options

The Search feature allows you to search for a thread at the RuneScape forum through the titles.

It is possible to adjust your search options at the "Advanced search options". E.g. to limit the search query to a specific forum section.

Jump to thread and Quick Find Code

Each thread is identified by a Quick Find Code (QFC), which is mentioned at the bottom of each thread. A QFC consists of digits, separated by a few hyphens, e.g.: 19-20-142-61773047

Almost every page at the forum contains a white textbox at the right upper corner of the page. Paste the Quick Find Code inside that box and click at the "Go" button to visit the thread.

Locked, sticky, moved, and hidden threads

The RuneScape forum is looked after by Forum and Jagex Moderators (otherwise known as FMods and JMods). They have the ability to move, lock and hide threads. They can also change the title of the thread. Jagex and Forum moderators also have the ability to give a thread the Sticky status, which pins a thread at the top of a forum board. Jagex Moderators can also change the contents of any players post, whereas Forum Moderators cannot.

The forum highlighting function

Normal forum users can report accidents by pressing the 'highlight' button below a user's post in a thread, then selecting the category of the offence. For less important issues, such as a title change request, players can use the Forum Help thread.

High level forums

This section is a stub. Please help expand it.

Players who have level 99 in all skills have access to the high level forums, in which only they can read and write. In these forums, restrictions on links and images are lifted, so that the maxed players are able to communicate freely with each other and Jagex staff.

There are maxed-player versions of the General, Feedback, Off-topic and Recent updates forums.

In order to gain access to the high level forums, players have to post in the High Level Forums - Get Access thread in the Community Home section - a Jagex mod will hide the post, verify the player has the required levels and then grant them access to the forums.



Spam has become a constant problem in the RuneScape forums, most notably in the Suggestions and Rants Forums.

Compliments Forum

The Compliments forum has also been the subject of some criticism, even by members of Jagex staff. The reasons for this vary depending on the status of the user, but generally focus on posters rarely producing anything helpful for Jagex or the community. Some members of Jagex have also stated the content of this forum is distasteful for the same reason. It was removed in 2008 but it returned in 2009. Since then, the same problems have in many ways resurfaced, and many players are pushing for Compliments and Rants to be removed.

On 16 June 2011, it was announced that the Rants forum would be removed, and the Compliments forum would stay. This led to severe ranting and spamming of the Compliments forum.

Rants Forum

A thread requested for the Rants forum to be merged with the Compliments forum to create a Game Feedback forum (the reason being that both the Compliments and Rants forums were for feedback, but both were filled with spam). This was achieved when Jagex finally removed the Rants and Compliments forum in 2008 and replaced it with the Game Feedback forum.

In 2009, Mod MMG announced the re-opening of the rants forum. Upon mass amounts of spam, Jagex converted the rants forum into a sticky-only forum where people would post their issues on already existing threads. This was once again reverted and the rants forum was returned to being a forum where players could create their own threads.

In 15 August 2010, Mod Mark H made a sticky in the Rants forum to try and stop spam and/or trolling, and later Mod Chrisso replaced it with another sticky which elaborated on the rules. Even though it hasn't completely stopped spam, trolling, or flaming, players believe that it has been somewhat effective.

In 16 June 2011, it was announced that the Rants forum would be removed within three days. This led to many upset players spamming the compliments forum, ending in many forum bans and/or mutes. The community of rants joined together in game, starting in Mudskipper Point, then Varrock, then finally Draynor Village, and rioted about Jagex's action.

On 3 November 2011, Mod Baker011 brought back the Rants forum as a "hidden" forum. This means that it is only viewable by people that are eligible to post on the forums (350 total level or membership) and is invisible to everyone else. This was done for many reasons, the most emphasized one being the fact that the Rants would not be cached or displayed by popular search engines, which might give a bad impression of the company when being researched by potential investors.

Forum Directory



See also

External links

es:Foro oficial