Goblin (Lumbridge and Draynor Tasks)

From Darkan
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The Goblin is located in Lumbridge, and he harasses a man for a bronze sword. If you talk to this goblin you would talk to the man instead and learn of their dispute. The player then has a choice to attack the goblin or solve the problem diplomatically. If you choose to fight him, he would show a combat level (level: 1) and fight back with melee. He has 40 Life points. He never moves away from his spot voluntarily, but it is unknown whether the special attack of the dragon spear or the Zamorakian spear, Shove, works on him. If you run away and come back to talk, the dialogue would not be changed but he would still be in his combat form.

There is currently a bug that allows players to kill another player's goblin. If you killed someone else's goblin, your goblin would disappear, but somehow you could still talk to him. Logging out and back in would solve this problem, and it would count as you have chose to attack the goblin.

If you try to attack the goblin with magic, you would melee instead. It is unknown whether this is a bug.


  • Despite the fact that the goblin harasses a man for a bronze sword, if you use a bronze sword on him, the chatbox would still show the message "Nothing interesting happens."
  • You could attack and kill someone else's goblin even after you have finished the task.