Flippers McGraw

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Flippers McGraw
File:Flippers McGraw.png
Release date 15 March 2011 (Update)
Race Penguin
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? None
Location Port Sarim docks and Mos Le’Harmless
Sells items? No
Gender Unknown edit
Examine The most piratical penguin you ever did see.
Notable features Wears a blue pirate hat.

Flippers McGraw is the penguin seen with Bard Roberts and Stanky Morgan.


  • His name is a reference to Feathers McGraw, a villainous penguin from the animation series Wallace and Gromit.
  • His examine is probably a reference to the folk song The Tree in the Woods, with lyrics "The finest tree you will ever did see".
  • His name could also be a reference to the country music star Tim McGraws