Update:Live Q&A - We Ask You
This update was added on 9 February 2011.
A couple of weeks ago, we held a Wilderness Q&A with RuneScape’s Lead Designer, Mod Mark. We had thousands of questions from you and had a lot of fun answering as many as possible throughout the afternoon.
We’re holding another session this weekend, but we’re going to change things around a bit this time...for we’ll be the ones asking the questions!
We always love to read your feedback and hear what you have to say, and we’ve got a stack of questions on the Wildy, clans and your general in-game well-being up our Mod-ly sleeves. The great thing about having a live session is that answers will inevitably generate more questions. That means we have no idea where the session will end up, but if we end up discussing the virtues of being a monkey or the best cupcake ingredient, you’ll only have yourselves to blame!
After the Q&A, we’ll gather all your responses together to make sure that everyone who posts an answer is heard.
This week’s Q&A session will be on Saturday 12th February on the Live Q&A - We Ask You forum and will run from 5-8pm.
See you there!
RuneScape Community Management