High Risk Wilderness world

High Risk Wilderness Worlds are worlds that were added to the game with the Free Trade and Wilderness update on 1st February 2011. These worlds replaced the now non-existent Bounty worlds (+1) and PvP Worlds. In these worlds (like all others) you will become Skulled once you attack someone within the Wilderness. Whilst in the Wilderness on these worlds Protect Item prayer is inactive and if you die you will lose your items. If you are attacked by an opponent and hit them back you will not get skulled (if you’re already skulled you will lose items on death). Going onto these worlds is a good way to make money if you have got a high Combat Level with good armour and weapons; it is highly recommended that you only take items into the Wilderness that you are prepared to lose! With the Protect Item prayer being disabled in the wilderness caution is to be taken into consideration throughout.
In these worlds, as soon as you attack someone you become skulled (like other worlds). You will always get the items your opponent was wearing, wielding and carrying. There are currently four High-Risk Wilderness Worlds, these are 57 and 136 for Free-to-Play and 124 and 137 for Pay-to-Play (members). With the Bot-Nuke update of 25 October 2011, worlds 54, 56, 108 and 114 all became High-risk Wilderness worlds, but it is as yet unclear if this change will remain permanent as their activity in the worlds list does not reflect this change.