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For the music track, see Blink (music track).

Blink is a Dungeoneering boss monster that can be fought on the Warped floors of Daemonheim, beginning at floor 48 and requiring a Dungeoneering level of 95 to encounter and fight. He is a crazed human test subject, driven mad by his love for portal magic, which is prominent both in his behaviour and means of fighting.

The room Blink resides in.

Blink's room has a distinctive appearance; there are 16 portals, 4 on each wall, and strangely colored tiles on the ground in straight lines between them. A player can click on one of the colored tiles to cause it to rise, revealing a pillar.

At the beginning of the battle Blink cannot be harmed; he will appear at one wall portal and run across the room to the portal opposite it, spraying a steam-like area-based attack around him, which can hit for 500+ damage, and can't be recoiled through Vengeance. While he is still running, it is recommended to have 'protect from ranged/deflect ranged' on as it halves the damage of his steam attack and since he hits through protect from magic; hiding behind a raised pillar or staying far enough away from him will fully negate the damage. In order to stop Blink's rampage and start damaging him, the team needs to raise one of the tile/pillars directly in his path. Once Blink hits it and stops, he will become attackable.

Blocking Blink is the hardest part of this battle; only one pillar in the room can be raised by the party at any time, and there is only a short period of time to raise the pillar in. In order to get advance warning for the route Blink will take, players can check the minimap; before the boss makes his run across the room, his yellow dot marker will appear at one of the portals for a second. As blink only runs north and east, a team of 5 can spread out along the northern and eastern sides of the room, each person covering 2 pillars, with the 5th roaming or covering a spot if someone dies. Alternatively, a single player can stand in the center of the room, wait for Blink to appear, and quickly run to raise a pillar in his path. This takes split-second timing, and guarantees that the player will take the full force of his steam attack, but it can be done by an experienced player.

Note that the clickable areas of the tiles are larger than the graphics of the tiles themselves, so players should try to use the minimap when moving around the room, to avoid accidentally raising a pillar.

Once Blink is stopped, he becomes rather weak. Most players choose to Soul Split this form, since his offensive powers are negligible. He attacks with mage, range, and melee, but is inaccurate and will rarely hit above 200. His only notable attack is a special attack, which he precedes by saying, "H..Here it comes!" When he says this, the players should immediately hide, either by raising a pillar and standing behind it, quickly dropping a personal gatestone and teleporting to it after his words disappear, hiding in one of the alcoves at either end of the room or simply teleporting out of the room altogether. He will then shout "Kapow!", and release an unblockable, hard hitting magic attack on everyone not hiding. (Note that this hit can be recoiled, so tanking it with Vengeance is also an option.)

Blink will remain in his vulnerable state for only a little while, and then teleport away and resume running around the room.

However, melee works well. Sundering Strike can make this battle very fast, but familiars make it hard to raise the pillars in the room, so players should dismiss their bloodragers after using the scrolls.


Blink's attacks.

Blink says the following quotes, all of which are voiced.

  • A face! A huuuge face!
  • A whole new world!
  • Aaahaahaha!
  • Ah! Grrrr...
  • Aha! Huh? Ahaha!
  • And a nice c...chianti!
  • Bli...bli..
  • C...can't catch me!
  • Coo-coo-ca-choo!
  • Grrrr...
  • it comes! (followed by) Kapow!
  • He saw me!
  • I... it's you.
  • I see you!
  • Magicinyaface!
  • More t...tea Alice?
  • Oof!
  • Over here!
  • See you all next year!
  • The...spire...doors...everywhere...
  • There's no place like home.
  • Where...who?


Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price
Novite longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Bathus longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Marmaros longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Kratonite longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Fractite longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Zephyrium longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Argonite longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Katagon longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Gorgonite longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Promethium longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Primal longsword 1 6 Varies Not sold
Dungeoneering journals Various parts 2 Common Not sold


  • The examine text information is a reference to "Stanley Kubrick's The Shining" where the main character goes mad and writes 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy' over and over again.
  • One of Blink's quotes "More t...tea Alice?" is a reference to the Mad Hatter, a character from "Alice in Wonderland".
  • One of Blink's quotes "And a nice c...chianti!" is a reference to Dr. Hannibal Lecter from "Silence of the Lambs".
  • Blink's quote, "There's no place like home" is reference to the scene in "The Wizard of Oz" in which Dorothy clicks the heels of her magical ruby slippers together and says "There's no place like home" in order to return to her farm in Kansas.
  • One of Blink's quotes "a whole new world!" is a reference to a song sung in the Disney movie "Aladdin."
  • Blink's quote, "Coo-coo-ca-choo!" is a reference to the Beatles song "I Am the Walrus."
  • One of Blink's quotes "The Spire... doors... everywhere" is a reference to the portal-filled city of Sigil (also known as the City of Doors) which is located on a giant spire in the computer roleplaying game Planescape: Torment.
  • Blink is one of the few Dungeoneering bosses that is not immune to poison, along with the Unholy Cursebearer, Sagittare, Skeletal Horde and Warped Gulega.
  • It appears that Blink only spawns from the south or west sides and make the run to the north or east sides, so it is viable to only guard the northeast corner and it's two adjacent pillars (other route's steam attack is out of range).
  • Blink may be a reference to the videogame character Sonic the hedgehog because of his blue spiky hair and his non-stop run, and also a reference to the phrase "Blink and you'll miss it."

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