Update:Slayer Challenges
This update was added on 21 April 2010.
This week sees the addition of unique challenges to the Slayer Masters of the world. Players who have successfully completed several assignments for a Slayer Master will occasionally be offered the option of completing a special task in place of a regular assignment, when visiting their favourite Slayer Master.
The tasks on offer differ depending on which of the masters you visit. They each have their own unique request, ranging from Vannaka’s dragon hunting to fulfilling Sumona’s vendetta against the Kalphite Queen, up to running Duradel’s gauntlet of killing every creature in the Slayer Tower!
These new tasks are optional, and you can decline them in favour of a regular Slayer assignment should you wish to (with no penalty). If you do choose to take on these special challenges, however, you’ll be rewarded with additional Slayer experience and, if you’ve completed the Smoking Kills quest, Slayer points too.
Mod Rathe
RuneScape Content Developer
In other news...
Dungeoneering reward items have had their costs reduced to a more suitable amount. Anyone who has already bought any of these items will find they have been refunded the difference in reward tokens.
Voices have been implemented for all NPCs (and the player) within the tutorial. We've also made demo mode available to all players on the login screen. Demo mode is a quick way to try out the game from the beginning without the need to create an account. If you wish to try out the updated tutorial, we suggest you use demo mode.
A new bank NPC near Musa Point can now convert your fish into bank notes, which should prove quite useful.
Farming patches now have a clear option for various dead crops, as well as a rake option for weeds.