template = Calculator:Template/Mining
form = Form
result = jcQ_Result
param = xporlvl1|Experience or level?|Level|select|Level,Experience
param = curlvl|Current level/experience (per above choice)|1|int|0-200000000
param = xporlvl2|Experience or level?|Level|select|Level,Experience
param = trglvl|Target level/experience (per above choice)|2|int|0-200000000
param = brawler|Using brawler gloves?|No|select|No,Yes,Wilderness
The form will appear here when it loads. If it fails you load, you can still calculate with the formulas given below.
- This calculator will determine how many times you must mine an ore to reach a desired goal.
- The calculator is assuming that you will only be mining one type of ore to reach your goal.
- The Brawler gloves parameter has three options: No, Yes and Wilderness. The No option means you are not using them. The Yes option means you are using them outside the wilderness (1.5x bonus xp multiplier) and the Wilderness option means you are using them inside the wilderness (4x bonus xp multiplier).
Formula information
- Y is the desired XP
- X is the current XP
- Z is the XP granted by the action being calculated
- W is the bonus xp multiplier.
- A is the number of performances of action Z (ores mined)
For those unaware, the symbols denote rounding up to the nearest whole number.