Tiny Thom

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Template:Holiday NPC

Tiny Thom
Tiny Thom
Release date 21 December 2009 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? No
Location Land of Snow
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine Not the tallest.

Tiny Thom is a character involved in 2009 Christmas event. He is a boy invited to the Christmas party by the Queen of Snow in the Land of Snow. Through Thom, players learn that he is feeling miserable because the Christmas feast was cancelled because Santa Claus was kidnapped by Ebenezer Scourge.

Players, with the help of a snow imp and Tiny Thom, try to guilt Ebenezer Scourge into releasing Santa Claus. Instead, Scourge freezes Tiny Thom in a magical fire to get back at the player for waking him up. Players have to free Thom and fellow party members by dousing them with a bucket of icy water in the correct order.

After Santa Claus is freed, Tiny Thom exclaims "It's Christmas! Yippee!" after which the player's character will do a new chathead animation, where he/she will get very angry. He also exclaims that he has received a lump of coal, in reference to the honorary Christmas tradition. However, Tiny Thom retorts that it is valuable via the Grand Exchange, proving Santa's punishment to be ineffective.


  • Tiny Thom is based on Tim "Tiny Tim" Cratchet, a character in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. He is the exact opposite of Dickens' Tiny Tim as Thom seems to be a spoiled kid. When the player talks to Tiny Thom after the event, the player will do a new angry chathead animation, it was also featured in the 2009 Halloween event.
  • Tiny Thom in language Brazilian/Portuguese is named Tom Zinho, who is character in a Brazilian institution that helps the disabled, Tom Zinho is the character that does not have a leg.
