Quill of Armadyl

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Postbag from the Hedge article This article or section contains information about a character, creature, event or location which is only featured in Postbag from the Hedge. Postbags are generally considered canon.

Quills of Armadyl are writing implements made from the feathers of the god Armadyl. They do not exist in game, and have had only received two mentions in the Postbag from the Hedge, by Juna and Lucien.

They may or may not possess divine properties, having only been described as valuable or high-quality pens. Lucien claims to have ripped one from Armadyl's wings and kept it as a trophy, and is now using it to write letters.

References to the Quills

The first reference to the quills was made by the snake Juna in Postbag from the Hedge issue 20. "[It's been a while since I wrote a letter]...The last time being in the Second Age, when my quill came from Armadyl himself."<ref name="postbag20">Jagex. Postbag 20 - "Tales from earlier ages", Letter 1. Postbags from the Hedge. *</ref>

The second reference to quills occurs in Postbag 42, in which Lucien describes his alliance with the Dagon'hai and Kinshra. "[I wrote this letter]...with a quill I tore from Armadyl all those beautiful millennia ago."<ref name="postbag42">Jagex. Postbag 42 - "A NOTE FROM YOUR MUM.", Letter 2. Postbags from the Hedge. *</ref>


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