Varrock Museum - Second Floor

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This is a list of all the displays on the Second Floor of the Varrock Museum. The common occurrence of "yr" means Year.


Display 3

Display #3

5th Age - Year 70

Donated by one of our citizens, this historic tome details the rise and fall of an order of Zamorakian mages, called the dagon'hai, residing in Varrock. Skilled in the art of chaos Magic, the Dagon'hai fought continually with the priests of Saradomin until the day they were forced out of the city. They were not seen again until they were discovered recently in a tunnel near Varrock.

For more information about this display see History of Varrock, Varrock, Dagon'hai

Display 9

Display #9

5th Age - Year 132

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table arrive on RuneScape in the year 132 of the 5th Age. Legend says they will return to Britain in its time of greatest need, so they're passing their time on RuneScape until then. King Ulthas saw them as good and rightful men who would do much good in the world, and granted them a large area of land to set up a new Camelot in north-east Kandarin. This is a replica of King Arthur's sword, Excalibur.

Display 10

Display #10

5th Age - Year 20

What little we know of gnomish history is mainly learned from the glider pilots scattered around RuneScape. They did mention that an old gnome engineer called Oaknock used to make model gliders for his children. Oaknock's son, Yewknock, ended up creating this method of transport with inspiration from his father's models. Captain Daerkin and Captain Ninto were said to be test pilots during the initial prototypes, though enquiries have proved them to be reticent to give much information. Previously, we thought that the strange, 'bird-like', wood and leather gliders that the gnomes find so useful would only support a single gnome in flight. however, due to a brave adventurer heroically aiding the gnomes to save their Grand Tree and earning their gratitude, we find that the gliders indeed transport at least one human and one gnome. The staff at the Museum have carefully constructed this replica model.

Display 12

Display #12

5th Age - Year 169

A collection of wizards took it upon themselves to resurrect the Mage Training Arena along with all the guardians that were destroyed with it. These guardians were created out of the very same essence as runes, embodying the Magic power and authority needed to oversee the Arena.

Display 14

Display #14

5th Age - Year 169

King Roald of Misthalin renovated a ruined town in north-west Misthalin. It was a town once known as Paddewwa, but was destroyed during the god wars and known to the humans as Ghost Town. King Roald renamed the town Edgeville.

Display 18

Display #18

5th Age - Year 143

The Phoenix Gang had a big fight amongst themselves and the Shield of Arrav was broken in half as a result. Shortly afterwards, some gang members decided they didn't want to be part of the Phoenix gang anymore, so split off to form the Black Arm Gang. On their way out they looted what treasures they could, which included one of the halves of the shield. The phoenix and Black Arm gangs became bitter rivals, a rivalry that lasts to this day.

Display 26

Display #26

5th Age - Year 154

A strange undead necromancer leads an army of undead out of the Wilderness in an attack upon Varrock. Misthalin is strong enough and still has enough runes that the attack is defeated fairly quickly.

Display 33

Display #33

5th Age - Years 162-163

The old king of Asgarnia, King Vallance, falls very ill. The White Knights took advantage of this and began to take control of Falador and Asgarnia for themselves.

year 163, 5th Age - The White Knights declare that the Black knights were no longer to have any political power within Asgarnia. Lord Daquarius of the Kinshra immediately responds by declaring his Black Knights as being at a state of war with Falador. The two sides engaged in a big battle to the north of Falador - however, both sides were fairly evenly matched, and retreated to their fortresses to build up their forces and devise plans to crush the other, once and for all.

Display 35

Display #35

5th Age - Year 70

The mages let Zamorakian followers, skilled in the way of Magic, join their numbers in the 70th year of the 5th Age. This proved to have been a disaster when the dark mages betrayed them and burnt down the tower of magic south of what we now know as Draynor Village. The location of the rune essence and the runecrafting altars was consequently lost. As a result the further campaigns of the barbarians never happened.

Display 46

Display 46

One of the survivors of the great battle became king in year 98 of the 5th Age. His goal was to listen to the people's views and ensure a fair and equal life for everyone. He was the first of a line of kings in Ardougne that continues to this day under his great grandson, King Lathas of Ardougne, painted here. The other survivor of the battle founded the marketplace, allowing people to trade their skills and wares under equal rights and opportunities. More information is available at a small museum north of Ardougne.

Display 47

Display #47

5th Age - Year 136

King Ulthas of Ardougne dies from an accidental arrow shot while out on a hunting expedition. Ardougne is left to his 2 sons, Tyras and Lathas who decide to split the city between them.

For more information on this exhibit, see Ardougne History.

Display 48

Display #48

5th Age - Year 150

The Fremennik barbarians discover the whereabouts of several stone tablets, inscribed with an ancient prophecy. In this display, the first four tablets are replicas, but the last is an original, generously donated to the museum. Unfortunately, we still lack the first four, but the main feature of the fifth is the inscribed name of [your Fremennik name]. Who [your Fremennik name] might be is unknown.

(This display is unfinished until QUEST NAME HERE is completed, and reported to Historian Minas)